Insider Solutions to Dry, Frizzy Hair

It seems like every other girl in the world has the most perfect beautiful hair when yours is dry and sticking out everywhere. For me, it seemed like the end of the world. I’ve always had curly, fuzzy hair. By the time I reached seventeen I realized I needed to get a trim once in a while to keep it nice. But by then, I also realized it was fun to change hair colors, and went through about twelve home dye jobs within only a few months. This was the worst thing I could have done. My hair has finally recovered, years later. On top of having genetically frizzy hair, I damaged it severely with too much dye and too little care.

First of all, I tried all the usual. Anything expensive you can find in a beauty magazine and all those at-home dry frizzy hair control recipes I tried. They don’t work! Garnier Fructis, Pantene, and other top brands did nothing for me. All the egg yolks, yogurt stirs, vinegar and mayonnaise rinses in the world did nothing but make my hair smell.

Here are some of the best ways I have found to help manage dry, frizzy hair:

1. Chlorine

I like to work out at the gym every day, and when I do I end my workout with a swim and a relaxing time in the hot tub. Problem? Oh yes! Chlorine will dry your hair out faster than anything, and will also turn it green if you are a blonde. If you have dry frizzy hair, this is definitely something to stay away from. Keep your hair in a high bun while you swim and relax around chlorine to protect it.

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2. Hot Irons

The second thing I learned to turning my dry frizzy hair into beautiful luscious curls is that I can’t use curling irons or flat irons. They are very hard on your hair. Save these for the most special occasions and your hair will thank you for it. Remember to always use a protective coating on your hair before using a hot iron. Conditioner will work, or you can also buy some protective spray. I use a spray product called Ion Heat Protection.

3. Protein Filler

If you have dry frizzy hair, it is likely that your hair is overly porous. If you’re hair dries very quickly, it is because your hair is very porous. Often this is caused by dying your hair too often, which opens the shaft to deposit the color. A protein filler is a cheap way to temporarily fill your hair and help keep it moisturized. Sally Beauty carries a very cheap protein filler that worked wonders on my hair. For $2-3, this is a good way to begin helping your dry frizzy hair.

4. The Right Conditioner

There are plenty of designer, $29.95 per bottle fancy conditioners out there promising to transform your hair. Fortunately, if you can get past the pretty bottle you will realize that most of these fancy French crèmes don’t do much for you. The absolute best conditioner I have ever used is about $4 per bottle. It is made by Aussi and comes in a purple bottle.

Because I have dry frizzy hair, I don’t use their normal conditioner. I buy the Aussie 3 Minute Miracle deep conditioner. This conditioner is meant to be used once or twice a week, but if you have dry frizzy hair you should try using it daily as a regular conditioner. It works great!

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5. Hair Mask

Hair masks work great for dry frizzy hair! For a little over a dollar, I bought a single use hair mask at Wal Mart that worked an absolute wonder on my hair! If you try nothing else in this article, pick up one of these little packages in the hair section at Wal Mart. There are several different “flavors” with two different crèmes inside each package. Do this once or twice per week and you should see a significant difference in your usually dry frizzy hair.

6. Braids

I have found that it is very important to braid your hair at night to prevent frizzy hair. Because you toss in your sleep, your hair can rub against itself and on your pillow, which causes friction and frizz. Braid your hair at night and even during the day every once in a while to help your dry frizzy hair. The best thing to do I have found is to rub a good amount of strong conditioner through your hair at night, especially at the ends, and then braid and leave in all night. You can then rinse it out in the morning while you shower.

7. Don’t shampoo every day.

Your hair needs its natural oils, so practice shampooing every other day. You should still condition your hair every day. If you’d like to go the extra mile, shampoo your hair every third day, using a bit of conditioner every in-between day as a shampoo to help rinse out dirt. Make sure that whenever you do use a shampoo, that you condition first. This will protect your strands. After you have used the shampoo, condition over that again to provide extra protection.

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These insider tips to managing dry frizzy hair should help you tame your hair down to perfection!