Inside the Wonderful, Wacky World of Lebowski Fest Achievers and Those Who Love Them

What do you get when you combine a hilarious Hollywood film, a bunch of lively people wearing bathrobes, wool sweaters, purple spandex jumpsuits and sporting bowling pin crowns on their heads? Easy one. It’s the wonderful, wacky fan convention known as Lebowski Fest.

The annual multi-city celebration of “The Big Lebowski” features a bowling party, live music, contests, games, trivia, and fascinating, elaborate costumes, inspired by the scenes and characters in the movie.

Whether you are a diehard “Achiever,” or just “Dude” curious, here is a first-hand perspective of what it’s like inside the Lebowski world, as seen through the eyes of this Chicago freelance writer.

As a writer, I report on the facts, give others a voice, and often times get to express my true feelings. So, what did I think after recently attending my first-ever Lebowski Fest? Well, to be perfectly honest…these are just about the coolest bunch of people I have ever met! My beloved Robert also joined me for the fun weekend, and he loved it. Let’s find out why.

The Dude Abides…”The Big Lebowski”

Let’s start with the quirky cult-comedy film that inspired the Louisville-based fan convention. The Big Lebowski,” a Coen Brothers production, stars Jeff Bridges, John Goodman, Steve Buscemi, Julianne Moore, John Turturro and Philip Seymour Hoffman.

It’s the story of Jeff “The Dude” Lebowski, a guy who just wants to smoke pot, drink White Russians, listen to Creedence Clearwater Revival and bowl a few games with his loyal pals, Walter and Donny. What ensues is a case of mistaken identity, soiled rugs, absurd dream sequences, bizarre characters and a whole lot of comedic gold, which is even more amusing and poignant upon multiple film viewings.

Dude, nice bathrobe!

My recent experience at the 2012 Chicago event, which took place at the historic Portage Theater on Chicago’s northwest side, included a movie party and concert from “The Dudes.

The classic movie palace was a perfect location for Lebowski Fest, because it has a real, down-to-earth vibe, where everyone feels welcome. It’s not “trendy,” or you won’t see any noses high in the air, so it makes for a comfortable environment, and a place where even The Dude and his friends would hang out.

Immediately upon entering my first Lebowski Fest, I was intrigued. The people were warm, friendly and obviously enthusiastic to be there. It was especially amusing to see fans dressed up as the characters from the film. There were big, burly “Walter” guys in Army jackets, bandanas and cargo pants, with buzz cut hairdos. The room was filled with “Dudes” wearing bathrobes, long plaid shorts, slippers and dark sunglasses, along with people decked out as “Jesus,” the sassy, tight purple-suited bowling guy, who was played to movie perfection by John Turturro.

During the Portage screening of “The Big Lebowski,” it was a blast to hear the audience hoot, holler and recite the dialogue from the film out loud. One of the most endearing moments was the roar of applause whenever festival favorite, James Hoosier, who starred as a featured extra in the role of Liam, Jesus’ bowling partner, was on screen. The amiable Hoosier received the star treatment at the weekend convention, and deservedly so, as he was in the enviable position of working alongside Hollywood A-listers. Hoosier was gracious enough to share his thoughts and feelings about the popular movie and festival later in this article.

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“Achievers” bowl a perfect game

Lebowski Fest Chicago’s second night was held at another local venue perfectly suited for the salt-of-the-earth festival attendees, Diversey River Bowl.

This was a spectacular night filled with activities and jam packed with a parade of stunningly imaginative outfits. Lebowski fans, who are also known as “Achievers,” are a creative group, putting their film devotion to work by designing mind-blowing costumes.

At Diversey River Bowl, everyone enjoyed a night of bowling, a “Jesus” dance contest, games, trivia and other cool activities. The Windy City venue has a retro-style bar with a variety of reasonably priced domestic and craft beers, and tasty food, which added to the festive occasion.

Lebowski folks rock!

One of the highlights of Lebowski Fest was the very special people I met. They were funny, smart, charming men and women, who were there just to connect with their fellow “Achievers” and have a great weekend. Unlike other national fan festivals I have attended, there was no sense of ego, competition or “cliques,” only a spirit of fun and community of others who share a passion for film and entertainment.

Janey Christine Faith, 48, of Louisville, Kentucky is one of those lovely people I encountered. Mrs. Faith is a registered nurse who runs Jewelry-by Janey Christine, which features beautifully-designed jewelry for sale. Faith, along with her husband Jeff, attended 15 fests in cities including Chicago, New York, Orlando, shares how she first found out about Lebowski Fest.

“It was by pure accident. I was driving down Barret Avenue and saw a beautiful Bill Green poster in the window of The Nitty Gritty (an amazing local vintage clothing shop)! I went in and asked where I could get it…and they told me to go to Why Louisville (a unique shop owned by one of the founding fathers of Lebowski Fest, Will Russell)! I bought the poster because it was all the colors in our house…and just lovely, of course! Jeff loved it. We had it matted and framed and hung it in the living room! About a week later…we really read what the poster was about. It said there was a fest about the movie “The Big Lebowski” in just one week! We had never seen the movie! So…we rented it…watched it…fell in love with it! We looked up what the fest was all about online and decided to go because Jeff looks so much like “The Dude”! I, on the other hand, didn’t at all resemble any of the women characters in the movie. But…while watching it…I had a light bulb moment when The Dude crashes his car and finds “Little Larry’s” homework. The teacher’s name was at the top of the homework – Mrs. Jamtoss. I knew I had a short black skirt and a button up white shirt…the rest is kind of history! I showed up and won one of the trophies for the costume contest!”

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Faith, who most identifies with “The Dude” because she likes his simplicity, and the ways he thinks and treats others, enjoys the camaraderie of the fests. “You never see a fight break out at a Lebowski Fest! Everyone is just having a great time quoting the movie, coming up with fun new interpretations of scenes and quotes and characters to make costumes out of. I have met hundreds of people and have become close friends with so so many of the fest goers! We all stay in touch and chat almost daily or weekly. We plan visits if we are in their town and many come to Louisville several days before the fest so we can all just hang out and have a White Russian or two.”

Janey Christine’s husband Jeff Faith, plays guitar and vocals, and he, along with Tom Esterline, bass and vocals, Andrew Dyken on guitar, and Bill McClintock on drums, are part of the band that played the Chicago Lebowski Fest, “The Dudes.” The talented musicians entertained the Portage Theater attendees with songs from “The Big Lebowski.” Another bright spot was when wife Christina joined the band for a sultry version of “Viva Las Vegas.

Jeff Faith tells his favorite part of the annual festival. Getting to hang out with all the friends we have met over the years, watching the movie with everyone, sharing a White Russian or two with them, and all the laughter.

“Jesus” beloved bowling buddy, Liam

The star of Lebowski Fest was the popular James Hoosier, who plays Liam O’Brien, Jesus’ bowling partner in the Coen Brothers classic.

Hoosier, who turns 60 on New Years Eve, is retired and living in San Pedro, California. Mr. Hoosier tells the story of how he was cast for the role in “The Big Lebowski.”

Well (I got the part) the old fashioned way of course. I answered an advertisement. I was at a local bowling center picking up freebies for a toy drive that I ran at Christmas time and I happened to see a flyer sitting on the counter. I wrote down the number, went home and told my wife I was going to be in a movie. Naturally she said, sure you are. I called the number and was asked to come down to the studio and take a few pictures and answer some questions. I went to a studio in Hollywood somewhere and was asked my name and had a couple pictures taken and was told if I was selected I would get a call.

“About a week later I received a call asking me to come back and meet the producers and directors. I had no idea who these people were but upon my arrival, I was introduced to Joel and Ethan Coen and the casting director whose name I can’t remember. I was asked by Joel and Ethan if they could alter my appearance to which I replied yes. I was asked if I would shave off my mustache and I said I would do anything they asked. Joel looked at me and said, ” Jim how did you hear about this part again” I answered that I had answered a flyer. Joel looked me in the eye and said, ” Jim it’s not that hard to get in the movies is it?”

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Mr. Hoosier went on to say he got V.I.P. treatment from everyone on set.

“From the minute I got to All Star Lanes I was treated fantastic. I met with someone who directed me to a dressing trailer which was my own. WOW!! Had my clothes brought to me, was told I could hang and they would come and get me when it was time. People treated me like I belonged there. Anything that I wanted, needed or had a question about was given or answered. Can you say Hollywood Star?”

“When it was time I was taken into the bowling center and introduced to Joel, Ethan and all the cast. Me talking and standing with these people is something I will never forget. They welcomed me just as if I was one of them. It was really amazing seeing how each one was introduced to the other. FANTASTIC!!! Each day was the same. Clothes in my dressing room. Food everywhere and not just plain old food either. Food was Fantastic!”

Hoosier, who has attended about 20 Lebowski celebrations, surprisingly did not catch the acting bug after his incredible experience. He went on to share why he most relates to Steve Buscemi’s gentle soul “Donny” character in the film.

“Donny just wanted to please everyone. Followed what the Dude and Walter said and just wanted to go through life doing what he liked to do. I’m someone that wants everyone to have fun. When I’m at a fest I have been asked to come by someone. Being asked I feel that I am there to have fun but to make sure the Achievers who are there have fun also. That’s why you almost never see me sit down on Bowling Night. That’s Donny just wanting everyone to have fun.”

The rug really pulled the room together

Lebowski Fest will be visiting multiple cities in 2013 and from my perspective, if you enjoy “The Big Lebowski,” or you just want to meet and hang out with extraordinary people and have an enjoyable weekend, you can’t miss this event!

Until then, grab a White Russian, put on the old bathrobe, crank out the CCR, and avoid oddball intruders who may want to urinate on your rug. And remember, “The dude” most certainly abides.

Patricia Batson has worked as a background extra in Hollywood, California, and Chicago , Illinois, in television and film productions such as “Boss,” “Shameless,” “The Chicago Code,” “Glee,” “Grey’s Anatomy,” “Contagion,” “The Dilemma,” and “Get Him to the Greek.” In addition, her resume includes local ad agencies and TV and radio stations.