Indoor and Outdoor Birthday Party Games for Teens

Indoor and Outdoor birthday party games can be as loud and crazy as you like or as quiet and intimate as you want but if you asked your teens they’d probably opt for boisterous and roof-raising birthday party games. If you can convince them to let you throw a party with games and all the fixings that is. Here are few fun active-filled games the teens I know, had a blast playing.

*Notice* – The following birthday party games are intended for teens. They require more dexterity, concentration and coordination than most young children are capable of.

Outdoor Birthday Party Games
Relay Scavenger Zone – The objective: players run a relay race that doubles as a scavenger hunt and obtain and wear all the provided clothing in their zone. How it works: A couple of weeks before the party start collecting old used clothing. You should have at least 10 pieces of clothing per team. Clothing in this game includes shoes, purses, hats, scarves, belts, ties, accessories etc. The uglier the better.

Hours before the birthday party starts, divide your yard into zones. In each zone hide 1 garment. Place cones or small (camouflaged to match the terrain) flags close by each hidden garment.

Divide the party guests into teams. The game is best played with 4 teams of 10 but can also be played with smaller teams. You will need to watch your RSVP list as the birthday party looms near to keep track of your teams.

The first player runs to the first flag and searches the area for an item. Once they find the item they put it on, run back to their team, remove the garment and pass it to the next player in line. The second player then runs to the second flag and searches for the item hidden there. They must wear both garments on their way back to their team.

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Players continue to run back and forth in relay fashion until the last player is wearing all of the items in their team’s zone. The first team to complete the relay, find all the clothing and is fully dressed wins.

Water War – Water war is much more than just a game, it’s a theme. The best thing about having a water war party is that the whole thing happens outside and has very little cleanup.

When you send out invites ask the guests to bring squirt guns, super soakers, water hoses, buckets, balloons and any thing else they can do water battle with as well as towels, swimsuits (or shorts and t-shirt) and sunblock.

To take this one step further, buy simple nylon vests and split the party up into teams. Give prizes to the winning team. Organize a couple games of musical water chairs and throw in a few trivia questions where punishment for not having the right answer is a good soaking by the rest of the party guests.

Aside from water the only thing you have to provide is the water and a little cake and ice cream.

Indoor Birthday Party Games
Peanut Butter and Jelly Race
– Warning – this is a messy birthday party game and is best played with an even number of guests, preferably 6 players. Spread an old sheet on the floor and place a long banquet style table on it.

For this game you will need 2 pieces of bread per team, a bowl of peanut butter, a bowl of jelly, a plastic butter knife and one more old sheet per team.

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Make one place setting for each team with the bread, peanut butter, jelly and knife.

Partner your guests into teams of 2. Have all the teams stand at the table with their partner behind them. Tie the hands of the front partner behind his/her back with scarves or ties. Drape a sheet over the team being sure to completely cover the partner in back so they can not see the table or the ingredients in front of them.

Each team must make and eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. The player in front helps make the sandwich by giving instructions where the ingredients are. The player making the sandwich can not speak and must make and feed the sandwich to their partner. The first team to make and eat a sandwich wins the game.

Dotting the cream – This is another messy birthday party game but it’s easy to set up and fun to play. You should have at least 6 players for maximum fun. Supplies needed: shower caps, several cans of shaving cream, dots candy. Optional: sheets.

Split your party into teams of 2 or more. One person from each team is placed in a chair and has his or her hair covered with a shower cap. Spray and cover the shower cap with shaving cream. The higher you can get it the better. Have the other team member(s) stand a specified number of feet away from the shaving creamed player. Set a timer for 1 or 2 minutes and have them toss the dots candy at the shaving cream. The team with the most dots sticking to the shaving cream at the end wins.