Indigo Children: The New Age Phenomenon

We all know that the world is evolving, the Earth, the oceans, the climate, and even the people are evolving in order to adapt to the New Age that is quickly developing around us. One of the said evolutions for the coming age is the Indigo children. The Indigo children first came to the publics attention in the early 70’s but have been on the Earth for the last hundred years or so. This phenomenon has been identified on three continents and goes beyond any types of cultural barriers such as race or language. More and more reports are surfacing displaying more births of the Indigo children. So what exactly are these children? Why are they the way they are? And what does that mean for the environment and evolution?

Indigo children are a special generation of psychically sensitive and spiritually evolved children that are born with an empathic connection to Earth and also to other peoples’ thoughts (telepathy), extra sensory perception, and also extra normal perception. Indigo children have very strong self esteem, refuse to follow orders or directions, get bored easily with assigned tasks, and display a rather strong intuition and creativity. At a very young age they have abstract thinking and are very highly intelligent. What I mean by highly intelligent is that their IQ are 160 or higher. Some say that they have very old, deep, wise looking eyes and come into the world with a feeling of royalty and a feeling of deserving to be here on earth. These children also display a strong intuition and get frustrated with ritual oriented systems that require little creativity and can be easily distractible but in the same sense, they can do many things at once. School is very difficult for them because they appear to be antisocial unless they are around other children like themselves. You can normally recognize these children because they usually have large clear eyes. Indigo children tend to hear voices and don’t realize they’re channeling the spiritual realm, they may see things that aren’t really there such as angels, past or future places, and other spiritual things.

Indigo children normally seem to fit into four types, or categories: The Conceptualist, in which the child is very much into technology and projects rather than people. The Humanist, are those who have interests in people and everything around them and because of that having very short attention spans. The Artist, are Indigo children that are more sensitive and have the ability to be creative in whatever they do. And last is the Interdimensionalist which is a type of Indigo child that is larger than the other Indigos and have an outstanding confidence and believing that they already know or can do this or that.

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Indigo children also are distinguished by generations. Generation One or the Alpha Generation born before 1968 had blue green violet auras and were and are in the process of rediscovering and recovering their gifts. Generation Two or the Beta Generation born from 1968-1978 also have the same aura as the Alpha Generation however they are part of an awakening stage that is to take place between 1996 and 2006. Generation Three or the Gamma Generation was born between 1978 and 1988 and is the first generation to have the violet aura. The Gamma Generation is said to have the earliest manifestations of apparent ADD and ADHD. Generation Four, or the Delta Generation born between 1988-1998 they have no aura and are considered the wildest of the ADD or ADHD groups. This group has the hardest transition into adolescence and if not monitored the highest suicide rate. The last generation, Generation Five or the Omega Generation are those born between 1998 and 2008 and are the last decade of the pure Indigos. They will have many difficulties acclimatizing themselves to the environment. Some will be reincarnations of Alpha and Beta generation that chose to leave early. The number of people will drop off sharply during this generation.

Parents and teachers often experience a hard time managing Indigo children because they seem to have out grown the education system and are unwilling to go along with an outdated system. Scientists believe that using old traditional methods of teaching stunt their growth and trigger frustration. These children do not see, hear or feel as you do. Some take on a great respect for nature and observe plants and animals, perhaps bonding with an extreme level to pets. Other Indigo children need to be encourages to appreciate and respect nature.

Literature about the New Age notes that Indigo children are born with a part of their DNA active where as most people do not have this portion active and lies dormant. This portion of unused DNA is said to hold the key to special abilities to trigger telekinetic powers and even powers as unbelievable as speaking to the dead. Many indigo children know who and what they are and capable of and often tell their parents who they are. DNA is the blueprint of life and is located in every cell of you body in a 2 strand double helix chromosome and in addition to that we have 10 other strands of DNA, and these other 10 strands of DNA are the ones that are disconnected and dormant. Now, the Indigo children have these entire strands active making them a multi dimensional being that manifest abilities and also has the power to stop the aging process. There has been only one other being documented to have all 12 strands of DNA active and that was Jesus.

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So why don’t we have all 12 strands?
Basically because the human race has become separated and controlled by race, religion, language, sex, orientation, origin, emotion, and other people. When we become so driven and oriented by control and separated, we loose the use of parts of our brain. As the years and centuries passed, the DNA strands were so disconnected from the endocrine system in the body that it stopped creating chemicals to activate these brain portions causing them to shrink because of non use. Only few people have retained the use of these glands and together, creating a child, passed them on to future generations, creating the Indigo children. This evolution is different in every person on different levels of spiritual and physical being.

Why the name Indigo?
The name Indigo refers to the indigo colored aura that surrounds the child and is also most of the time diagnosed as being hyperactive or having ADD. These diseases are treated with medications such as Ritalin which are designed to calm or stupefy their overactive brains.

Scientists have concluded that these children’s immune system is several thousand times stronger that that of an average human being because of the fact that their internal organs have different functions. Researchers have also claimed that around 95% of children born after 1994 are considered to be the Indigo children.

Have Indigo children lived before?
Many Indigo’s have claimed to remember past lives through a first person sense and have told people about them by channeling their psyche to enter that age. Others state that they have not lived in a past life but have been able to pick up on other people’s past life memories. Scientists have made discoveries that children between the ages of 4 and 7 that are born as Indigos begin to reveal their powers. A young English Indigo girl began speaking fluent French without any teaching at the age of 5 and does not know how or why she knows the language because she had never been exposed to French before that time and no one in her family knew French.

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Mayan predictions have foreseen the year 2012 as the year of the “Great Transition” where the Sun and the earth forms a straight line pointing to the center of the galaxy that will trigger the demise of our 3-D world and evolve it into a 4-D world. This 4-D world that we are evolving into is the greatest transformation in consciousness that this planet has ever experienced. Higher energies created by our surroundings and our path of evolution is shifting us electromagnetically creating a change in our genetic encodement and activating our DNA. The New Age is a place where we no longer need to struggle for survival and we are aware of our own thoughts, feeling, and actions which are motivated by compassion and are transformed to a world of unique creativity.

Why are Indigo children here?
Everyone has a goal or a purpose in life and these children are here to help usher in the New Age of Peace.

Indigo children are the next step in our evolution. Up until recently, we have evolved as a biological species which searched for spirituality outside itself. But, along with the birth of these new children comes an exciting new evolutionary variation. The Indigo children are born with a biological connection to their own spirituality. They are a bridge to the next plane of humanity. The Earth and everything on it is evolving at a faster and faster rate. When we were first created, whether from God’s hands or by mere evolution of time and atoms, someone, something, somewhere, had a plan for us. We don’t know what that plan is or if we are following it, but like it or not, a transition is in the works. And soon, we are going to have to adapt to the world around us. There is no making the world adapt to us, the world was here a lot longer than we were and there is no choice, we have to evolve to survive in the New Age of evolution.
