Increase Hair Growth with Monistat Vaginal Cream

It’s true!

A few months ago I read an article by Candice W., Monistat Vaginal Cream for Faster Hair Growth. I made a comment on her article that I would try it. I did try it and it works! You do have to keep using it though or some of the new growth goes away. I used 2 tubes of monistat cream, which lasted me over 3 months. I did see and feel a big difference in my hair. My bald spot that I had since I was 7 years old was beginning to fill in around the edges. The area was slowly getting smaller. When my tube of Monistat was used up, I meant to get some more; however, it slipped my mind. Once I forget something, it is forgotten.

Last week another AC content producer messaged me; she asked if I did try it, because she wanted to try it. That messaged jogged my memory and I went right out and bought another tube of Monistat. I can’t believe how fast it works! Already I can feel little hairs growing in. They almost feel like little fine whiskers to my fingertips. I am so pleased that the results are so dramatic.

This is how I apply it.

I section my hair off, making a part from ear to ear across the top of my head. I put the back part of my hair in a pony tail to keep it out of the way. I don’t apply Monistat to the back of my head because my hair isn’t thin there. After parting the hair, I then make several more parts one at a time. Squeezing a tiny amount of Monistat on my forefinger, I apply it directly to the scalp at the part and rub it in well. I make another part right next to the previous one and rub in a tiny dab of the cream. Keeping this up all the way across my head to the other side. When I have finished with the parts I put a dab at the base of my hairline, that is so thin, in front of my ears.

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How does Monistat Vaginal Cream feel on the scalp?

I can feel a tingling on my scalp. It almost feels like I can feel my hair growing. The cream oxydizes on my scalp bringing oxygen to the surface of my scalp. The increased blood flow brings more nutrients to the hair follicle. I don’t have any untoward effects at all from the cream. I’ve been applying it morning and night since June 29, 2008, which is just a week, yet I can feel new hairs coming in, and I can see my bald spot with new hairs coming in around the perimeter. From now on I will make sure I don’t run out of this amazing stuff. My next tube will be the generic brand, because it is the product with a cheaper price. I am all about cheap (inexpensive).

I want to give thanks to Candice W. for writing her article about Monistat Vaginal Cream for hair growth. If I had not read her article I would still be having thin hair. You can see Candice W’s. article here.

Monistat Vaginal Cream even fights lines and wrinkles!

After reading Candice W’s article, I did some research, and found that vaginal cream is helpful to fight wrinkles. see this link. Well, I had to try it. I don’t have that many lines and wrinkles anyway, but since I was 57 at the time, I thought there was no better time to try it. It works! My face, with Monistat on it gets tingly and flushes to a bright pink. Again, this is feeding my skin oxygen. The blood rushes to the surface of my face. It kind of looks like I am wearing makeup when I’m not. It doesn’t look like sunburn or anything like that, the skin just glows pink.

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I have started treating my face again since I am doing my scalp anyway. It feels good, and I like the way my skin looks. I just had my 58th birthday, yet my skin looks more like it belongs to a woman 40 years old. Just in a week’s time the thin lines I had are diminished. I will keep using the product for obvious reasons; my skin has improved and looks younger.

Most people will say it is crazy to use vaginal cream on the scalp. They think it is even crazier to use it on the face; but I ask you–what can be more gentle than a product that goes into the vagina, which is the most sensitive area of a woman’s body? The product says not to use it for any other purpose than it was intended; but so many products used today stem off another product used for something different. For me, I will continue to use Monistat or the equivalent because it is a whole lot less expensive than the commercial hair growth products that are on the market. I am so happy that I first learned about this product from Candice W., and that it does rejuvenate my face also.