Including Fido in Your Family Weight Loss Plan

Like humans, dogs are just as apt to lie around as their owner’s if they are not accustomed to regular exercise. Dogs need regular exercise to maintain a healthy weight, which is sometimes neglected due to busy lifestyles and schedules. However, your family may be lying around as well, and both you and Fido are in need of a weight loss plan. Instead of sitting back and doing nothing, include Fido into your family’s weight loss and exercise plan so every family member benefits. Begin by creating a regularly scheduled outdoor family activities to stick to a family weight loss plan.

Play a game of keep away and let Fido chase the family

It’s a known fact that most dogs enjoy fetching a ball, but turn the tables and play a game of keep-away instead. Take hold of the ball, and run in the yard with the kids, and let your dog chase you. It’s more than enough to get your heart rate going, adhere to the weight loss plan, and a way for Fido to get some much needed exercise. Just as you would do with the kids, remember to let your dog get the ball every now and then, so it doesn’t feel left out.

Add walks besides the usual morning and evening romps

Walking with your dog several times a day still benefits both the family and Fido. People have a hard time sticking to a weight loss plan that includes exercise, but having a dog means being a responsible pet owner, and making sure Fido maintains a healthy weight, too. Besides walking Fido for his morning and evening romps, walk the dog once or twice more during the day. In order to get the family involved, each member should take turns walking Fido. If you have four family members each person is directly responsible for Fido’s exercise, as well as sticking to the weight loss plan.

See also  Good Dog Collar

Create a regular exercise schedule that includes Fido and the family

Work schedules and real life makes sticking to a weight loss and exercise plan difficult, and even more so when it involves an entire family. Instead of winging it, create a schedule the entire family can reasonably adhere to. A regular exercise program with consistent times can help everyone, including Fido, feel and see the benefits of a weight loss plan. It also helps Fido become accustomed to the weight loss plan; even if the dog doesn’t know that it’s a scheduled program.

By creating a regular schedule your dog will also know when it’s time to go out and exercise. Soon Fido will be the one reminding your family when it’s time to get out.

Read more:

  1. Play with Your Dog Safely in the Summer
  2. Keeping Fido Cool in the Dog Days of Summer