Important Information to Know Before Having Gallbladder Surgery

Every year thousands of people undergo surgical procedures. One of the most common surgeries that are performed in the United States today is cholecystectomies, or laparoscopic gallbladder surgery (and I am one of those people that has undergone this common type of surgery).

The gallbladder is not considered a vital organ, meaning that it is still possible for a person to live healthily with no problems without the organ. This gallbladder is responsible for the digestion of fats and releases bile into the stomach and intestines via the liver during the body’s digestion processes. It is located underneath the liver on the upper right side of the abdomen. When the gallbladder is working properly, it is important to the adequate functioning of the digestive system as a whole. When the gallbladder is not working at 100% normalcy gallbladder removal may be considered.

There are multiple symptoms that can occur when the gallbladder is in distress. Some of those symptoms include upper abdominal pain, cramping, nausea, vomiting, a feeling of fullness after only taking a few bites of food, bowel irregularities, light colored stools and unintentional weight loss; and I experienced almost every one of those horrible symptoms. Although there are various symptoms that are associated with a failing gallbladder, most people do not experience any symptoms at all.

If it is suspected that your gallbladder is failing a couple of tests may be performed to identify a diagnosis. One of those tests is an ultrasound. An ultrasound takes still pictures of the gallbladder, liver and bile ducts to see whether or not there may be any abnormalities in the organ. An ultrasound does not show if the gallbladder is functioning correctly. A test that can give a clearer diagnosis is a HIDA scan, or a hepatobiliary iminodiacetic acid scan. According to the, a HIDA scan is an imaging procedure that tracks the flow and production of bile from the liver into the small intestines using a radioactive tracer. If your gallbladder is failing there are signs and symptoms during the HIDA scan that can give you an answer before the doctor does, such as a painful gallbladder attack. Usually a HIDA scan is painless. When I underwent a HIDA scan I was in excruciating pain, which gave me a sign that something was definitely wrong with my gallbladder.

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One of the reasons a person may require gallbladder surgery is if the function of the organ is a certain percentage or less in function. With any surgical procedure there can be complications that can occur during and after gallbladder surgery. According to, infections, a cut liver, gallstones that remain in the abdominal cavity, cystic duct injury, internal bleeding, injury to the small intestines and bile that could leak in the abdominal cavity are several complications that can take place after a cholecystectomy. Instead of letting gallbladder surgery be your only preference for relief, there are other options to explore before having gallbladder surgery. I wish that I had the chance to avoid surgery, however it was not possible. Before I learned that I had decreased gallbladder function I became cognizant of the various natural paths to regain gallbladder function. Other options can save you money and most importantly assist you with an increase in your gallbladder’s function and health.

A Change in Diet: Eating healthier foods may help reverse gallbladder failure. Eating foods that are high in vitamins A, B6, B12, C, and K are nutritional tools needed to obtain a better working gallbladder.

Herbal remedies: There a lot of herbal treatments available in the form of roots, powders, teas and tonics that can assist in improving gallbladder function. Before choosing any herbal treatments to revive your gallbladder, it is best to seek out a reputable herbalist whom can help you choose quality herbal products that are safe.

Meditation: Another alternative method that can help you avoid gallbladder surgery is through the art of meditation. Meditation has been used for centuries to improve the overall well-being of a person. It is a well-known alternative method for relieving stress that can take place within the physical body. Stress can cause the body to go in to an unhealthy state and disturb the task of many organs, such as the gallbladder. If you do not know how to meditate, there are thousands of books and tutorial videos available at many bookstores and online.

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If you suspect that you have issues with your gallbladder, first seek out a trustworthy health care practitioner to receive proper medical care.