Hydrosphere Pollution: Chain Events

Hydrosphere pollution is linked to the cause of air pollution, land pollution, causing the death of many living creatures. Hydrosphere pollution causes acid rain, which causes deforestation, death to animals and others. The acidic rain either sinks down to the ground water, causing water pollution and land pollution, or evaporates into the air, causing air pollution. Through water pollution, air pollution and ground pollution are both affected. 21% of the freshwater water on earth is ground water, and 99% of the ground water is fresh. Because the acid rain drains down to the ground water, most humans in the area near the pollution will drink acidic water, and depending on the pollution, will get sick and may die. Runoff water also drains to the ground water, thus further causing pollution and the death to humans. The runoff water will contain chemicals that humans may drink, and, like acid rain, they may die. This will also affect ground pollution, for then the soil will be contaminated with chemicals and will become unusable. Also, hydrosphere pollution will kill crops. Once it reaches crops, plants absorb the water and die. It is not just water pollution that will get worse if people continue dumping chemicals into the ocean. Life on earth will also suffer a great deal, and so will the ozone layer.

The ocean, like a giant sponge, absorbs most of the heat from the sun. So do the ice caps, by reflecting off the heat from the sun back into outer space. But as the water pollution persists, the world’s waters will get hotter. The ice caps will melt, and the world’s water temperatures will increase. Once a piece of ice the size of Greenland melts, the world’s waters will raise by 20 feet. Once this happens, the Twin Towers memorial site will be submerged under water. The ice caps will heat up, causing the world’s water temperatures will go up. There have been many reported deaths of polar bears by drowning, due to the melting of the ice caps. Heat is a major problem for animals. They will try to move out of the heat, but as the temperatures rise even more, and then the animals will slowly die off until they are extinct. Heat is one of the main problems affecting our world today, since heat is a major killer of animals.

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Only about 1% of the world’s waters are drinkable. The rest is either ocean water or in the form of a glacier. Once all these effects of pollution have taken place, the amount of suitable drinking water will be reduced. Once all these pollutants are mixed up, the outcome will be a lot worse than if there was only one pollutant affecting the water. Polar bears are endangered because of the effect that humans have on the world. Polar bears cannot find a piece of ice big enough to support them, so they will eventually drown. Many other species have gone extinct. Studies show that three unique animals and plants become extinct every hour. The diversity of life on earth is diminishing but people have to ability to stop it. All the pollution that humans create has caused consequences, but if people work to prevent hydrosphere pollution, they can solve the problem of global pollution.