How to Write Your Own Personal Mission Statement

There is no right or wrong way to write a mission statement. A mission statement is all about announcing goals for yourself. It’s a way of visualizing your future. Writing a mission statement provides the reader with insight to your code of ethics, it is a promise of sorts so be careful with what you say as people will tend to hold your feet the fire in regards to it.

Your mission statement should encompass a strategy, where are you going, how are you going to get there and what are you hoping to accomplish. In essence by writing a mission statement you are answering these questions to the general public. The whole point of a mission statement is to force you to question yourself and make an out loud commitment.

The Introduction
The first paragraph of your statement should not be any longer than 4 or 5 sentences. It should summarize your statement of purpose. Introduce yourself to your audience and keep it brief, not everything you want to say should be crammed into your introduction. You need to clearly state who you are, what you stand for and what you are all about. If your mission statement is about your personal morals and principles briefly list them in the introduction and explain them later.

The Statement
Keep your mission statement concise. Use details and be specific in the goals you are setting for yourself. Don’t leave room for assumptions. Get your point across in the most explicitly detailed way you know how. The last thing you want your audience to do is to assume something about you because of lack of detail.

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Your mission statement should show things that you want to focus on as a person and who you aim to be. Think about the qualities you have that will impact your life positively over the next couple of years.

If you find that you enjoy writing about yourself and have a tendency towards narcissism try to stay humble. If you can’t refrain from explaining how amazing you are make sure you back it up with examples of your greatness.

Include an emotional goal in your mission statement. Make sure that whatever your passion is comes through crystal clear and is inspiring.

Don’t use overly colorful descriptions and phrases unless you plan for your mission statement to read like a fiction novel. Most people are turned off by mission statements like this because they appear to be too fantasized and full of fairy tales.

Write a rough draft of your personal mission statement and carry it around with you. Make notes and changes to the rough draft several times before penning the final draft.

When you write your final draft you should be able to answer yes to these questions. If you can’t, then your mission has failed.

Does my mission statement inspire people to support me? Is it motivational? Does it convey my message in a way that’s both convincing and easy to understand? Will people remember reading it?
One of the most important things I can tell you about writing a personal mission statement is to believe in your own word. Words have power and if you lack the conviction of your own words, your readers will be able to tell. Believe in what you say and say what you believe in.