How to Write a Letter of Recommendation

The best recommendation is one that is specific, clear, and is sure to get a person noticed. Form recommendations are dull and will not be read in their entirety. This is why recommenders need to take the time to spice up these letters and really hook in readers. The more specific and thoughtful a letter of recommendation is, the more a person will learn from it. The following are some tips for how to write a memorable letter of recommendation.

Personalize the Recommendations

The first rule to writing solid recommendations is to personalize them. No one wants a generic recommendation. Vague language like great or professional says little about a person. Instead, a recommendation needs to have specific details the person’s job performance or life. For example, explaining specific projects they have worked on or their skills can go a long way (i.e. “has made great use of podcast technology and understands the nuances of SEO techniques). This shows people or interested companies that a recommender actually knows a person. Whether writing a LinkedIn recommendation or a longer more formal piece, it is important to pull in personalized details. Similarly, one should ask the person where they will be sending this letter. This could help a writer personalize the letter so that it suits the industry, position, or focus of the company or space.

Use Specific Language and Be Earnest

The word great says nothing about a person. It is important to be earnest and authentic when providing a recommendation for a peer or former employee. For example, one should not simply say that a teacher or instructor is “gifted and effective.” Instead, a specific recommendation would explain that the instructor “has a calming presence and high level of patience that empowers students to learn.” The rule of three is important when it comes to a recommendation. One should list three strengths using specific language. For example, you could say: “Bill is an empathetic communicator aware of peers’ needs, a team player who is always willing to work hard to reach a goal, and has a high attention to detail so that all Is are dotted and all Ts are crossed. This creates a full and meaningful recommendation that explains a person’s true strengths in an office and in different positions. The listed skills should show a company or employer why they should hire or be interested in such an individual.

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Explain Importance of Skills
It is important that the skills included in a recommendation are specifically explained. Not only this but one should explain how certain skills could transfer to a wide range of positions. For example, someone who is a solid communicator can be utilized in a variety of workplace settings and is also a team player and has great leadership skills. Someone who is intelligent will be creative and have a lot of problem solving abilities. It is important to make such connections because it will make a person seem that much more worthwhile. A recommender has to be able to branch off of praise to really explain what this means in terms of a workplace. Understanding the types of positions that a person wants to find will also guide this recommendation.