How to Work for Kgb

By now you’ve seen the ads on TV about kgb and their service. But did you know that you can work for kgb making money out of your home by sitting on your computer and answering questions? Recently I checked into this as an option and went through all the steps to becoming a kgb agent. It’s not really difficult and can be a good way for teens or students or stay at home parents to earn extra income in their spare time. This article will show you the steps required to being a kgb agent.

Very first thing you do is go to kgb’s website and take the challenge test. You will be quizzed on several areas which could include sports, movies, TV, history and more. You have to pass a reading, writing and math portion as well. You need to score at least 80% in every area to be considered for an agent. If you don’t pass the first time you can retake it if you want. Once you pass, you will have the option to be an agent. You will then receive an email with instructions on becoming a kgb agent. From here, it can be a little time consuming.

You will be directed to a website where you will have several lessons to complete that cover kgb’s rules and regulations. You will be taught the basics on the question answering software kgb uses and general responses you should return. Will show you when you should charge for a text and when the charge should be waived, how you need to respond right to questions regarding health and financial advice and so on. There are a lot of guidelines you need to follow which can result in instant termination if you don’t. Mainly on the medical and financial advice so kgb doesn’t get in trouble. You are required to show your source with every answer, even if you know it. You cannot use sites like Wikipedia and other sites that allow any Internet user to post advice or answers. And you are supposed to use little hooks with your responses that entice the customer to either text back or just leave them with a happy related message to their question. Like “The weather in Seattle will be 70% chance of rain all day. Pack your umbrella!”

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After you learn the rules, guidelines, protocols and pass every test with at least an 80%, you will receive an invitation to the simulator. There are around five to six lessons and will take you around two hours or more to complete all of them along with the tests before you get invited to the simulator. The simulator basically preps you for real live question taking and there are kgb mods watching how you do. If you fail the simulator, you can retake it in 30 days I believe and you’ll probably have to retake all of those lessons unless you have a great memory.

Once you make it past the simulator, you will be an official kgb agent! The way it works now is you need to specify when your best time to work is. You will schedule shifts by your best time to work. You can work any amount of hours each week but make sure you meet your hours, as kgb frowns upon missing shifts unless you notify them. Do it enough and you’ll be released. Late at night after midnight is a good time because not many kgb agents are on and there’s always a lot of questions to answer. Morning time has been hit and miss while afternoon and evenings aren’t usually the best since so many kgb agents are on. Sometimes certain shifts will be short handed and you will get an email asking if you want some more hours.

Now for the income part. Earning is as much as you want to work. Only problem is you get like ten cents per question and five cents if the kgb database has the answer and you just have to pass it on to the customer. You get paid once a month, usually around the third week of the month, at least for me. No PayPal support from what I was told as of yet and you are considered a independent contractor, so you will need to keep track of your taxes, and take out whatever is necessary based on your earnings. You will need a bank account in order to be paid. Daily income all depends on when you work, how many questions you answer and how many questions actually come in. You might make $20 a day, you might get to $5 and stall the rest of the day. A tip is definitely work the midnight or later hours.

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The earnings may not be a lot but for some people, you can make a lot of money being a kgb agent. Some people have made $1100 in a month working for them. I don’t honestly see how anyone could do it but it is an easy way of making some extra cash from sitting at home. And you might learn a thing or two.