How to Type Faster in 3 Days

Typing is one of the most sought after skills especially if you are planning to land an office job. We might not have any manual typewriters existing today but the computer keyboard layout or the qwerty, still looks like that of a typewriter. Hence there is still a great need for fast typist.

Even though the computer has advanced so much for the past 10 years, input methods for the computer have still remained the same. We still input a lot of our data using the keyboard. Although there are several voice-to-text software that are available in the market right now, the technology is still not being perfected and most people consider using voice-to-text as simply annoying. People then would rather type it than use voice to text software because of the flaws in the technology. Again, the need to master the art of typing can never be stressed too much.

Some typist who can type very fast did not even go to typing school or use special software to teach them how to type. They have acquired that skill by experience, that is they learned to type very fast because they had been typing for several years now. Other fast typist really went to school and they are formally taught how to type faster.

But what if you are trying to apply for an office job which requires that you should learn to type very fast – very soon? How on earth are you will you learn to type faster in just 3 days. The following tips might just be able to help you learn to type faster in just 3 days:

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Most “master typists” would agree that in order to type fast, you have to learn to use all or most of your fingers. Usually, beginners in typing only exploit the two pointing fingers and the thumb for the space bar. In order to learn to use your fingers you will have to go through a set of exercise to do this.

Day number 1 – “Fingering” – lower case

First look at the computer keyboard and you can find the numbers 1 to 0 just below the “F” keys. (F1, F2 and so on) Each of the numbers corresponds to a certain. Observe the finger assignments for your left hand: The little finger should be used when typing number 1 and letters q, a and z. The ring finger for number 2, w s and x. The middle finger should used to type 3,e,d,c while the pointing finger of your left hand should be used to type 4,r,f,v and 5,t,g,b.

On your right hand use the pointing finger to type 6,y,h,n and 7,u,j,m. Your middle finger should be used to type 8,I,k “,” your ring finger used for 9,o,l,. and your little right finger for 0,p,;,/.You use both thumbs for the space bar.

So on your first day you should spend the whole day just going about this exercise with the correct “fingering.” Your exercise should look like this:

1qaz 2wsx 3edc 4rfv 5tgb 6yhn 7ujm 8ik, 9ol. 0p;/

1qaz 2wsx 3edc 4rfv 5tgb 6yhn 7ujm 8ik, 9ol. 0p;/

And so on . . .

When you do this, observe the finger assignments. When the day is finally over you should have fairly good idea on your mind how the keyboard looks like. Your fingers sort of “familiarize” themselves with the letters they are assigned with. Spend as many hours as you can on day 1 just doing this exercise.

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Day number 2 – “Fingering” – upper case

By day 2, do the same exercise, but instead of using the lower case, use the upper case instead. Your exercise should look like this:



And so on. The last 2 hours of the day should be spent alternating the lower cases and the upper cases.

Day no. 3 – “The quick brown fox…”

After going through that tedious exercise, repeat that exercise again on day 2 for an hour. After that you start doing a new exercise. This is simply called as “The quick brown fox . . . ” exercise. This is a fairly simple exercise you just type:

“The quick brown fox jumps over the back of the lazy dog near the bank of the river.” You type this sentence the whole day long. The more you do this the more surprised you will be how your fingers quickly move over to the proper letter even without looking at the keyboard. It is guaranteed that at the end of day 3, your typing speed would probably double or triple than your previous typing speed. If it does not, then you might want to consider applying for another job instead – faster than you were supposed to learn how to type fast!