How to Treat Your Infant’s Gastroenteritis

Gastroenteritis is a stomach virus that infants are easily susceptible to. It causes nausea, vomiting, cramping and diarrhea. It isn’t a pleasant thing to deal with, but it is manageable. Knowing how to treat it before it happens can make all the difference in the world. Always keep in mind that when an infant is ill, it is best to contact your pediatrician before proceeding with any remedies.

Here are some ways in which you can treat your infants Gastroenteritis:

Electrolytes – Because of vomiting and diarrhea, your infant is prone to dehydration. This can be very dangerous for the baby. Keep some form of electrolyte therapy in your home at all times for such incidents. Giving the baby a little Pedialyte to keep his/her fluids up is extremely important.

Clear Fluids – Feeding the baby clear fluids will help keep him/her hydrated as well as getting the system clean. Gastroenteritis will usually go away after a day or two.

Milk Products – If possible, remove all milk products from the infants diet until the problem has passed. This isn’t always possible with infants younger than six months old because milk is their only source of nourishment. Consult the pediatrician to find out if it is okay for you to do this. Milk products often irritate upset stomachs.

Diapers – Change the baby’s diaper more frequently when diarrhea accompanies the Gastroenteritis. Diarrhea can be very acidic and cause very bad diaper rash. Keeping the baby clean at all times is important. You can also use a diaper rash ointment to keep the fluids from touching baby’s skin. Destin works well for the purpose.

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Over the Counter Medications – There are medications that can help alleviate diarrhea and vomiting in infants. Talk to your pediatrician for recommendations on the best medications to use for your child. If you use over the counter medications to relieve the baby’s illness, be sure to follow all the instructions on the label for his/her age group carefully. It is extremely important to be precise when giving your infant medications.

Infant gastroenteritis is often called the stomach flu. Don’t be fooled by this term. The virus has nothing to do with the flu. Unfortunately, this is one of those situations that you have to wait out. There is no magic cure for it. It has to go away on its own. You can make it more comfortable for your infant by treating him/her with the above strategies. Keep your baby from dehydrating and keep in close contact with your pediatrician.

It is difficult to see your little one in pain. Don’t fret too much though. Infants often get sick. It is part of the process of growing up. Comfort your infant as much as possible. You can do a better job of that if you stay relaxed. It reassures the baby that everything will be okay. He/she can sense when you are upset which will cause him/her to become more upset. Relax and comfort in whatever way comes natural for you.