How to Treat Your Dog’s Ear Infection

Dogs with floppy ears are more prone to developing some type of yeast infection in the ears. Fortunately, there is a home remedy that many owners find is safe and effective, and prevent the need for a prescription from the vet. Using what you already have at home, you can bring your beloved pet relief from the infection, quickly and easily.

Things You Need:

Warm water

White Vinegar

Thin washcloth

Soft tissue

Step 1

Combine equal parts of warm water and vinegar into a small container. This makes the solution you will use to clean your dog’s ears.

Step 2

Dampen the washcloth in warm water, and then soak one corner of the cloth in the vinegar and water solution.

Step 3

Twist the corner into a more or less cone shape that can fit into your pet’s ear canal. Insert the cloth and gently turn the material, allowing the vinegar and water to come in contact with the yeast and any excess wax. Remove the cloth and repeat, using a different corner if another treatment in the same ear is needed. Treat the opposite ear in the same manner if necessary.

Step 4

Dry your pet’s ears using a soft tissue. This will help remove any excess moisture left from the vinegar water, and prevent the collection of any fluid behind the eardrum.

Tips and Warnings

Never use pure vinegar to clean your pet’s ears; the acid content may burn too much, causing your dog additional discomfort. Some recipes do recommend the use of equal parts vinegar, water, and hydrogen peroxide, but that combination appears to be no more effective than simple vinegar and water.

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Avoid using cotton swabs to clean your pet’s ears. Since it is difficult to determine how deep in the ear you are going with the swab, there is an increased chance of damaging your pet’s eardrum.

If you don’t want to use a washcloth, you can accomplish the same end using cotton balls. Remember to use a dry cotton ball to remove any fluid left after the cleaning.

Try using this twice a week until your dog not longer seems to hold its head to one side, or stops scratching the ear incessantly. If the problem persists after a couple of weeks, make an appointment with the vet.