How to Treat IBS – Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is one of the most common ailments in today’s society which can affect one in five people in the US. IBS symptoms include bloated stomach, being badly constipated, painful spasms and constant farting. Ok, I used the word “farting”, but this is the reality for people who suffer with IBS and I tell it like it is.
Other symptoms include bad breath, a thick white film on your tongue and general embarassment for having to constantly “break wind”, is that a better word for “farting”.? I will try to be more politically correct.

People who have this ailment have to “let rip” at least 30 times a day as it can be extremely painful to try to hold onto the build-up of wind in their system. Sometimes it can take years of going to your Doctor or even to Hospital to get a correct diagnosis for IBS. Some even have been told that they are hyprocondriacs and there is nothing wrong with them at all. IBS is ususally associated with stress and dieting. So, if you can clear a room when you “break wind”, then it is high time that you investigate the reason which is more than likely to be the dreaded IBS.

When people are diagnosed with IBS there are several routes in which can be taken for recovery. Medication, holistic treatment, alternative therapies, acupuncure etc., These can be exhausting and depending on the severity of your IBS, can be a waste of time and highly distressing. So, I have come up with a case study of very alternative treatment which actuall works for even the most severe cases of IBS. Ok, so it may be a little off the known path but if you are doubled-up with cramps, remember to give this a try.

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In a health spa in Turkey they are specifically dealing with people with IBS and offer a 7 day treatment holiday. Yes, this is how common this ailment is. The name of the health spa is Chium Spaur near Bodrum. The basis of their system is to use alternative treatments and dieting whilst you are staying there and they have an excellent rate of cure. You are put onto alkaline foods, such as oatcakes and salads, given supplements, such as probiotics and you do Yoga and meditation daily. Now, here is where some of you may say….”NO WAY, THIS IS NOT FOR ME”, but please read on.

On day four you start your fast; no food, just 5 juices a day, two litres of water, a wheatgrass drink and indigestion suppliments. Oh, so you think you can handle this? That’s only the beginning. Every morning patients have a “coffee enema”! “AHA! You thought it was going to be that easy, did you?.” You then have to inspect your poo and ensure that you have no infestations. Did you know that a great percentage of people who suffer with IBS actually have worms? This is not uncommon at all. You could even try this one at home in the privacy of your own toilet.
Acupuncture and Reflexology are all a part of the package and learning how to stop storing up negative emotions is vital as the fact that stress plays a major role in IBS must be dealt with by the patient.

I was speaking to a friend who went to this Health Spa in Bodrum and they told me that after their seven day stay they “felt amazing”. This was a hugh breakthrough for him as in his entire adult life he had lived under the shadow of IBS. He even stopped “farting” and is far more aware of the importance of diet and relaxation. He feels complete. It really worked for him.

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Finally, if you do not want to go to Turked and have a coffee enema on a daily basis, perhaps you could try the other treatments outlined in their seven day break. Five juices a day, easy enough, just buy a juicer. Two litres of water, not a problem. A wheatgrass drink and a daily dose of anti-indigestion …. no problem! Check your poo for worms, easy!. Finally, attend a Yoga class or go and treat yourself to a day of reflexology followed by acupuncture – problem solved!
