How to Throw a Go Green Party

There’s no better way to promote your cause or share your beliefs than to do so in a fun way. And, what’s more fun than a party?

Are you looking for a way to show others – friends, family and neighbors – just how easy it is to adopt a more eco-friendly lifestyle? A good place to start your “activism” is with a green party.

With Earth Day on April 22, spring is a great time for such a party. Other occasions throughout the year also lend themselves to an earth-friendly bash. The solstices and equinoxes are great times to gather friends and family together to celebrate the changing of the seasons and to honor good stewardship of the planet. Perhaps you’re planning a birthday party or a baby shower. While for these occasions you might not go with the “green-theme,” you can certainly incorporate some of these suggestions into your party planning.

The first step to getting any party started is to invite people.

Mailing invitations in the traditional way requires paper, glue and gasoline for delivery.

Consider sending an e-invitation. You can design your own or use a Web site service such as E-vite, which allows you to choose occasion-appropriate invitations and send them at no cost.

Of course, we all have a few people on our guest lists who aren’t yet using modern technology and to whom you can’t send e-mail. Consider giving them a phone call rather than mailing an invitation. If you feel you must send a paper invitation to some on your guest list, ensure you use recycled paper and soy-based inks.

See also  Use of Eco Friendly Goods

In planning the menu for your party, think about the impact what you serve will have on the planet. Consider a vegan/vegetarian menu and think about using foods that are in season and that are grown locally.

A great way to celebrate spring or autumn might be shopping at the local farmer’s market and having your entire menu consist of that season’s natural treats grown in your own community. Spring presents opportunities for strawberries, fresh greens and new vegetables. Autumn’s menu might include pumpkin pies, squash and sweet potatoes.

Once the menu has been planned, you’re going to need to think about the plates, cups, napkins, and cutlery with which your guests are going to enjoy the season’s bounty.

Paper plates, Styrofoam cups, paper napkins – could anything be less green? However, if you don’t have enough dishes to serve everyone on your guest list, there are a couple of options to consider.

I used to be a member of a vegan potluck group. When guests went to one another’s house, each person was asked to bring their own non-disposable plate, cup and silverware for their meal.

This might seem like a strange request to make of your guests, but it also reinforces the message you’re hoping to deliver with your green-themed party.

When I was planning a big summer cookout a couple years ago, I wasn’t sure how to accommodate my long guest list and keep my party eco-friendly. I didn’t want to buy disposable plates and napkins, but asking people to bring their own wasn’t going to be acceptable to everyone in this crowd.

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What I ultimately settled on was buying enough relatively-inexpensive reusable plates, bowls and cups at Target. When the party was over, I washed these, put them away and have used them for countless parties since.

Napkins created an even more complicated issue because cloth napkins can be expensive.

What I found were packages of dishcloths with a pretty pattern and soft texture at a bargain store. I bought enough to have one for each guest. I folded them like napkins, put them in a basket and I don’t think anyone ever knew what they really were. After the party, I laundered them and am still using them as dishcloths.

To reinforce the green-theme, consider decorating your tables with a pot containing a seedling tree. At the end of the party, each guest can take a tree home to plant. Another nice touch is packages of bulbs or seeds that guests can take home and plant.

If there are children at the party, provide them with a bag of potting soil, a packet of seeds (sunflowers work great for this activity) and a plastic cup. Allow them to plant the seeds, which they can take home and watch grow.

A great activity for the party, if your guests are as eco-minded as you are, is to turn the event into a letter writing campaign or other advocacy activity. Those who might not be compelled to call their congressman about an environmental issue at home are more likely to do so in the company of others.

And, everyone’s least favorite part of a party – the cleanup. Make sure everything that can be recycled is recycled. Make sure anything that can be composted is composted. And, make sure those new reusable dishes get washed and put away and don’t end up in the trash.

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Most importantly – make sure the host has fun too!
