How to Stop Underarm Sweating

Sweating is a natural process that occurs within the body and acts as a cooling down mechanism when we overheat. However, it is clear that excessive sweating can be highly uncomfortable and embarrassing, especially when a sweat patch is produced on the underarms of clothing. Underarm sweating is triggered by our apocrine glands, which are found in the armpits and which release a scent called pheromone. It can cause many social problems, work problems and a knock on effect on self-esteem, but despair not as here are a number of natural and artificial remedies to combat the problem.

Taking the natural approach can be very effective as it is inexpensive and can successfully remove the sweating problem.

Avoid eating smelly foods – Mouth glands send signals to other glands in the body i.e. armpits, allowing the scents of food to be reproduced in the sweat. These foods include: onions, garlics, fish etc.

Apply malt vinegar -Regular application of malt vinegar during night times can be very effective when dealing with underarm sweating. So long as you wash it off in the morning and apply your antiperspirant/ deodorant, you will not be sweating.

Shave armpits regularly – Underarm hair can often lead to stronger smelling sweat, as the hair follicles carry small beads of sweat and bacteria.

Spray with deodorants/antiperspirants -This is the obvious treatment that most people already do. However, check the active ingredients of the deodorant and try to find one with aluminum chloride (should contain 20%). Or if you prefer, go to your local pharmacist and ask for Perspirex, which is applied during the night when armpits are completely dry (Do not apply when wet as a reaction will occur). There will be full details on the instruction manual of how to apply the product effectively.

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Hydrocortisone cream- This is a quick way to combat sweating problems, as it blocks the glands straight away. It must be applied twice daily for a maximum of two weeks.

These natural methods can be highly effective but often people want a longer lasting effect and do not mind paying a price for it. Depending on the excess of the individual’s sweat and the sex of the person, more extreme measures may have to be taken.

Botox -This is an Injection which is so powerful that it can stop underarm sweating for half of the year. The injections are taken within six month intervals and can be highly effective if you are willing to spend the money .

Iontophoresis- Moistened spongy pads with water or a solution called glycopromium bromide are connected to the armpit and an electrical device. The special electrical machine eliminates the sweat for usually several days but may extend to several weeks depending on how well you have reacted to the process.

Remove the problem areas- This involves surgically removing the part of the skin that contains the strongest producing sweat glands and completely gets rid of the problem. However, this should be considered your last resort as it is the most dramatic sweat elimination solution.

All methods above have to be carried out by a medical doctor or professional apart from the Iontophoresis method, which may be carried out by you. (Iontophoresis machines can be bought from the physiotherapist if treatment goes well). You will now be able to feel confident again with this list of possible solutions to combat armpit sweating. Say goodbye to that embarrassed feeling and raise your hands up to the new, problem-free you.