How to Stop Telemarketing Phone Calls

You did not sign up to be on the “Do Not Call” list. Or you did, but you are still getting those annoying phone calls. Every time you sit down for dinner, your telephone rings and someone is trying to sell you something you don’t want. Frustrated, you curse and pull out your hair.

Save your hair and your nerves! One summer, I worked as a telemarketer in order to earn some extra cash to pay for a car repair bill. Many of the people I talked to on the phone thought I was evil and told me where to go.Along the way, I picked up some tips on how to stop telemarketers from harassing you. By passing them on to you, maybe I can be forgiven.

Get Caller ID See who is calling you and don’t pick any number you don’t recognize. You can screen your calls and only talk to those you want. After awhile, the telemarketers may get the hint.

Hang Up I know that your parents and your teachers told you never to do this, it’s not polite. As a call center employee, I didn’t mind hearing that click in my earphones. I just moved on to the next call. you didn’t hurt my feelings.

Use an answering machine/voice mail What you might not know is that telemarketers work on a computer. The computer actually dials the numbers for us. We also had to enter the result of that call. I noted if I got a machine or if the caller hung up. If we didn’t reach that person, after a few calls the computer removed the number from the list.

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Ask to be put on the call center’s Do Not Call list By law, you can request to have your number put on a do not call list. Just tell the telemarketer. It may take a few days for this to happen, so be patient. You may even get a couple more calls. If they don’t remove you, call the Better Business Bureau.

Turn off/unplug your phone Before you start preparing dinner, turn off the phone. You can also turn down the ringer. Take control of when you receive calls. Eat your meals and watch t.v. in peace. Just remember to turn it back on later.

Ask the phone company to block certain types of calls See if tour provider will block these calls. They may charge you a fee for this service. It may be worth it for the peace of mind.

Stop doing business with companies that use call centers For example, your bank may use telemarketers to sell their services, like credit cards. If you bank with them, you may have unknowingly given them permission to call you. Ask the teller if your bank does this. Ask them not to call you for marketing purposes. Or go to another bank or credit union.

Get the telemarketer to go off script This one is for all of you that feel the need to “get” these annoying callers. Telemarketers are following a script and have an answer for each objection you give. Right at the beginning, start telling them your story. Talk about how your day went. Tell them about some crazy relative. Or just make up some wild tale. I got a few calls like this. They made my day. I just didn’t make any sales and they wasted my time. In sales, you can’t be rude. Telemarketers can’t hang up on someone. We have to get you to hang up first.

See also  How to STOP Telemarketers and Annoying Phone Calls

Please remember that people in call centers are human too. Most are young college students trying to earn money for textbooks. Some are retired persons trying to get extra money for medical expenses. And others are like me, trying to pay unexpected bills. Be kind, even if you hate what we do.