How to Stop Period Cramps

Question: My period is causing me to have painful cramps. How do I stop these cramps?

You can stop period cramps by taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, called NSAIDs, and by soothing the affected area with a warm compress or other natural home treatments. Combined together, both methods can significantly reduce or eliminate period cramps. Let’s review which pain relief treatments help reduce period pain.

How to Stop Period Cramps With NSAIDs
The best way to stop period cramps is by taking a NSAID, a type of pain medication. Many NSAIDs are available over-the-counter (OTC) and costs less than $10 per bottle.

So why are NSAIDs the best defense against nasty period pains and aches? According to, it inhibits the production of prostaglandins, a type of fatty acid that makes the body more sensitive to pain. NSAIDs makes it easier for women to deal with all types of muscle pain.

To stop menstrual cramping, take an NSAID when cramps begin. It is important to take it when it begins; taking it when cramps are at its peak may prevent it from working. There are several NSAIDS available over-the-counter, including:

>Ibuprofen, commonly sold as Advil. Ibuprofen is also available as a generic.

>Naproxen, a less common NSAID. It is available as Aleve.

Take the NSAID when period pain begins to prevent further cramping.

How to Stop Period Cramps with Exercise
Your mother probably told you to move around instead of lying down to relieve cramps, and believe it or not, she was right. Gentle, light exercise, such as walking, biking, or swimming, helps relieve period cramps by releasing “feel good” chemicals in the brain, blocking pain.

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Any time of aerobic exercise releases these chemicals, but avoid overdoing it-too much exercise actually worsens pain. Keep the exercise light and fun instead to stop period cramps.

How to Stop Period Cramps with Warmth
Applying a warm compress or heating pad below the stomach also stops period cramps. The warmth loosens up the muscles, which naturally contracts during cramping. Use a warm heating pad and lay it slightly below the stomach, which allows the heat to penetrate and soothe the muscles below.

If a heating pad is not available, a heated water bottle also works. Taking a warm bath also soothes cramping.

How to Stop Period Cramps with…Sex?
Taking things horizontally-or for people who like things blunt, having sex-helps relieve period cramps and pain. Though it may be the last thing on a woman’s mind, sexual intercourse relieves menstrual pain by releasing the same “feel good” chemicals in the brain that fight pain.

So if you don’t have time to purchase NSAIDs, having at it with your partner can also provide the same pain relief. Your partner probably won’t mind this method either.

How to Use These Tips
To make these tips work for you, make sure to pair the NSAIDs with some home treatments, such as exercise or using a heating pad. Using multiple methods to stop period relives it permanently-or at least until next month.

Relief From Menstrual Cramps”,