How to Stop Collection Agency Harassment

With many Americans underemployed or unemployed, already strained finances are leaving families unable to pay many of their bills and everyday household expenses. Late and unpaid credit card bills, home loans, bank loans, car loans, private student loans and others are causing some collection agencies to resort to some unethical and even illegal tactics. Many consumers think if they’re overdue on credit card and other payments they must tolerate harassing phone calls from collection agencies. Not so, according to The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), which was designed to protect consumers from unfair, abusive and deceptive treatment by debt collectors.

Put it in writing

Consumers have the right to tell debt collectors to cease all phone communication, but must do it in writing. You should make a copy of your written request and send the original via registered mail so you have proof that it has been received. Creditors can, however, continue to send you written demands for payment. If a collection agency is calling you at work you have the right to tell them to stop. This can be done either orally or in writing.

It’s okay to hang up

As a consumer, you do not have to speak with a debt collector. You certainly have every right to hang up. They cannot continue to repeatedly call you because this is considered harassment. They must call you at reasonable hours, between 8:00 am and 9:00 pm.

Debt collector harassment is illegal

Debt collectors cannot use any form of harassment such as using obscene language, making continuous phone calls, using threats of violence or harm, falsely imply you’ve committed a crime or falsely imply that they are attorneys or government employees. Abusive tactics are illegal and are punishable acts under the law. A creditor found guilty of illegal collection tactics will be subjected to legal action by the Federal Trade Commission.

See also  5 Things Collection Agencies Can't Legally Do

The elderly are at risk

Manytimes,older Americans fall victim to unscrupulous collection agencies. The elderly in particular are sometimes targets of false claims of owed monies and unpaid debt. Some older Americans suddenly find themselves unjustly accused of owing thousands of dollars for a debt that simply never existed. Dealing with threats of home and bank account seizures, garnishment of benefits or imprisonment are common and are not only false, but illegal. Some elderly victims are forced to ultimately resort to hiring a lawyer to prove the debt bogus.

A collection agency’s cruel and heartless ruse

Sometimes an agency will be unable to contact a consumer directly to discuss a debt. Some devious agency representatives have devised some pretty cruel ways to obtain phone numbers and other personal information. A fairly new and extremely heartless strategy is to call the target’s friend or relative and claim they represent a law enforcement agency. They then go on to tell the friend or family member that the consumer in question has been in an accident and some personal information is needed. These cruel attempts to gain information should be reported immediately.

How and where to complain about debt collector harassment

If you have any complaints about being harassed by a debt collector you can contact your state attorney general or local consumer protection agency. You can also send a copy of your complaint to the FTC at: The Federal Trade Commission, Washington, D.C. 20580. You can also contact the FTC at their toll-free number: 1-877-382-4357 or visit their website.