How to Stop Calls from a Debt Collection Agency

Are you desperate to learn how to stop calls from a collection agency ? Are you being harassed at your workplace or your home ? Would you do just about anything to figure out how to stop calls and bring a sense of peace back into your life?

If you are struggling to get out of debt , the last thing you need is a constant reminder of the unpleasant situation you’re in. You don’t deserve to be harassed or talked down to by a collection agency, and now there is something you can do about it.

These days, many debtors are learning about their rights and standing up to these debt collection agencies , thanks to something called the ” Fair Debt Collection Practices Act ” (FDCPA). This law was created by the United States government and designed to protect debtors from collection agency abuse. It is very important that you understand this law in order to figure out how to stop calls from collection agencies . For example, did you know that a collection agency must send you something in writing explaining your debt and what it’s from within five days of the first time they make contact with you? If they don’t do this, they have broken the law , and you may be entitled to take them to court.

Another important thing you should know is that you have the right to dispute your debt or request validation of its legitimacy. If you do this, it is important that you do it in writing and that all written correspondence be sent by certified mail. This will help keep a record of everything, which is very important should you ever go to court.

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Now for the good stuff: How to stop calls. Perhaps the most brilliant part of the FDCPA is the part which requires collection agencies to stop calling a debtor once they have been asked to. Once again, it is important to make this request in writing and send it by certified mail. That way the collection agency can’t try to say they never got it. In the letter, clearly state that you are not allowed to receive phone calls at your place of work, and that the phone calls you are receiving at home are becoming a hindrance to your life, and that you want both to stop. If you continue to receive calls after sending this request, the collection agency is breaking the law. It is also against the laws of the FDCPA for them to call you late at night or very early in the morning, use profanity or other harsh language against you, or threaten to take money from your paychecks in order to collect the debt. If they do any of these things, you may be entitled to a settlement.

If you are a debtor who is being harassed by a collection agency, contact a lawyer who has experience working with debtors. Having proper legal representation will ensure that you have the best experience possible when you go to court. And no matter what, do not give up. You have rights. You do not deserve to be treated poorly just because you are in a bad financial situation. Stand up for your rights.

See also  Fair Debt Collection in Maryland
