How to Start a Mary Kay Business

That famous pink Cadillac. It’s the ultimate symbol of pride and success in the Mary Kay world. You see women driving it, and you begin to wonder how you can get one for yourself. Of course, your Mary Kay representative will be thrilled to explain to you just how you can start your own business. However, you quickly find yourself doubting whether or not it is really possible to become so successful so quickly in the way that she so enthusiastically describes. Well, it certainly is doable, but you are much more likely to succeed if you know what to expect before you even get started. Many Mary Kay consultants fail within the first year because they have unrealistic expectations. You must be able to assess your income making potential first, and then you have to decide if you are willing to make the proper time commitments and sacrifices.

The key to actually making money with a Mary Kay business is purchasing the correct inventory. True, the start-up cost is only roughly $100.00, and that does include everything you need to do facials, but you will definitely need to keep product on hand. While you may be thinking that it would be best for you financially right now to simply place orders as they come in, do yourself a favor and have product on hand for the immediate demands of your customers. Although it usually only takes three to five days for an order to come in from the company, your customers will usually want their products immediately. Think about it, if you are scraping the bottom of your foundation bottle, do you really want to wait a week for another tube? I didn’t think so. So what would keep your customers from simply going to the local drug store for replacements when you don’t have what they need? Also, Mary Kay consultants must make a minimum $400 retail order every three months to remain active. If you become inactive, you will temporarily lose your 50% discount until you have made a $400 order. While the good news about that is that as soon as your order reaches the $400 mark, the computer will automatically give you your 50% discount back and you will earn roughly $200 immediately, it can be troublesome to get a large order like that in all at one time if you do not yet have a good customer base. You need to have products ready for smaller orders (individual orders usually range from $30-$50 per person). To make purchasing inventory easier for you, your Mary Kay director will have a list of inventory options for you to choose from to give you an idea of what you will receive. However you do not have to go by these examples if you would prefer to do otherwise. For that initial inventory purchase, you will receive valuable bonus inventory at each new level as a free gift. Now, understand that certain products do have expiration dates, so you will only need to purchase as much of those as you will need for the immediate future. For example, you don’t want to sell someone a product that has been sitting in your home for two months and is about to expire. Stock up on color products, such as eye shadow, lipstick, eyeliner, and blush, in colors that are popular with those whom you anticipate selling too. On that note, another simple mistake that first time consultants make is assuming that they will need all colors and shades of every product. Initially, you will simply need to consider the age, skin tone, and personal style of those who will be your first customers, such as friends and family. As more customers come in, you can start ordering products that they prefer.

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To make sure that your business booms from the beginning, you must understand that you will have to do a lot of socializing. From emails, to telephone calls, to mail-outs and meetings, you will need to be constantly advertising for your new company. You see, the Mary Kay business rarely works out when only given minimal advertising. Sign up for a personal website with Mary Kay and don’t forget to also sign up for ProPay so that you can take credit card orders both online and over the phone. These features are very inexpensive, and they are essential to doing business in a fast paced world. Next, go ahead and order your personalized business cards, postcards, and anything you may feel is necessary from Mary Kay Connections, Mary Kay’s very own business supply store. Their prices are very reasonable, often less expensive than what you would pay at local business supply stores. In order to look professional, you must have professional advertising materials in place. Keep in mind any local and federal SPAM laws that might prohibit certain forms of unsolicited advertising, however. Information on SPAM laws can be found when you sign in at

Finally, be creative. While the Mary Kay system revolves around a simple “at home party” method, in which you will be encouraged to find hostesses to allow you to demonstrate the products to small groups, you can choose to do business however you like. The home party method doesn’t work for everyone, nor is everyone comfortable with it, however any method that allows you to meet new people, formal or informal, is a way to grow your business and make new lifetime customers. You can keep samples in your purse at all times to give away (attached to your business card, of course), you can have “open house” meetings in your home where your friends and family can bring guests with them to sample new products, or you might like to get local businesses involved by asking if you may leave samples and cards out in their lobbies. You could even market your business as an online-only store! Whatever business style suits you, make sure to choose a method that you are comfortable with. Isn’t that the point of having your own business?

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When you decide to start your own Mary Kay business, remember that this will be different from any other work-from-home idea that you have ever tried. You are never alone in this business. With great prizes, constant recognition, weekly meetings with sister consultants, and 24/7 support, you’ll never be left out on your own. If there is one thing that makes this business different from all others, it is the emphasis on the power of women. The entire system revolves around what pushes a women to work at her full potential. It is faith and family oriented, with a focus on having a solid set of priorities. With free training and business tools, the opportunity to move up into mid management and management at your own pace, and by offering the chance to become as successful as you wish to be, this business really has it all for women.
