How to Start a Charcoal Grill Without Using Lighter Fluid or Instant Light Charcoal

I used to be one of those guys who while I swore by using a charcoal grill instead of a gas one would have still be ridiculed by the “grilling community” because I used instant light charcoal. I realized over the years that the instant light charcoal would leave a funny taste at times for the food I grilled over it, as did charcoal that was started using lighter fluid. This was because basically they both used the same ingredients, instant light charcoal is basically just coated in lighter fluid. In the end the artificial ingredients do indeed add an unusual flavor to food grilled using them. Instead, if you want just the smoke flavor from the fuel source of the charcoal itself, my suggestion is to get a chimney starter. Of course many of you may be sitting there going “that’s a great suggestion, but what in the world is a chimney starter?”.

A chimney starter is a cylindrical metal tube. About 90% of it’s length is the top portion where you put charcoal in it. The key here is you do not need the chemical soaked instant stuff when using this lighter. The bottom 10% is a compartment separated from the top by a metal grate. In this bottom portion you insert crumpled newspaper. There is also a handle on the outside of the cylinder to help you in dumping the coals onto your grill. To start the fire first put the paper in the bottom of the chamber designed for it. Then load the charcoal into the upper portion. Next find a non-flammable surface to put the chimney starter on. I recommend either a concrete patio or on your grill itself. You will notice air holes surrounding the section you put the news paper in. Use a lighter to light the paper through several of these air holes. Then wait about fifteen minutes and your charcoal will be lit and have the nice gray color to indicate it’s ready to be dumped into the grill and for you to begin grilling. Some chimney starters have a release you press and the chamber actually opens to dump the charcoal onto the cooking area. For others you must use the handle and dump the charcoal yourself.

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I have heard several people voice concerns about using a chimney starter. One of the more common ones is “I want to see the flames shoot up, that’s why I use the lighter fluid”. Well that’s great as long as you also enjoy the risk of what can happen from an out of control fire and you enjoy the chemical taste of lighter fluid in your food. The chimney starter will not give you the “fire display” that using lighter fluid will, but you will still see the flames to satisfy the primal urge you have. Some people also have issues with the starter not lighting their charcoal. I have two tips to help you with that. Keep in mind fire needs airflow, so when you put the paper in the bottom chamber don’t overload it. Only use a couple of lightly crumpled papers. The other option is to roll the newspaper diagonally sort of forming a tube. Then fit that tube along the inside edge of your chimney starters bottom compartment. Both of these options will give you better airflow to help your fire start. The other complaint I hear is that it doesn’t hold enough charcoal. Well the solution would be to buy two starters if you really think that is an issue, but honestly I have never had a problem with the starter not holding enough charcoal for most grilling and barbecuing I do. At $12 each though even if you buy two of these it’s cheaper than what you would spend in the extra cost for lighter fluid or instant light charcoal over regular charcoal during the grilling season. Also if you store your starter safely in the winter these can last numerous years without being replaced.

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Hopefully that advice will help you in learning how to start your own charcoal grill without resorting to artificial starters or instant light charcoal. In the long run this will help your food you prepare on the grill taste better and save you money you would have spent on lighter fluid and instant light charcoal.