How To Soothe Tired, Achy Feet

During this busy time of year, you are probably constantly on your feet. Be it at work or out shopping for the holidays, I’m sure everyone has dealt with tired, achy feet at one time or another. At the end of the day all you want to do is pull off your shoes and do something, anything, to relieve the pain in your poor feet. So after I spent a whole Saturday, on my feet, out in town doing some holiday shopping, going to a movie with the kids and husband and then doing some more walking, all in my gorgeous high heeled boots, that really should have just stayed at home, I was faced with the most excruciatingly painful feet once we finally made it home. What’s a girl to do? Here are a few tips on making those tired, achy feet feel a little more relaxed and loved instead of used and abused.

One of the very best ways to soothe those tired, achy feet of your’s is to soak them in a nice hot bath. You can either hop into your bath tub or you can fill a big pan with hot, hot water and just sit in your favorite chair with a book and enjoy the heat on your feet. If you have one of those wonderful foot bathes then you are even better off. I have a fabulous foot bath that has jets, vibrations and little rollers in the bottom of it. Oh and it works great for swollen feet and ankles during pregnancy. These are the best things to use to soak your feet in after a long day.

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Once you are finished with your foot bath a nice massage comes in handy. You can do this yourself but I prefer having my husband do it for me. There’s something about having someone else massage your feet that feels so much better than you just doing it yourself. So see if you can convince your spouse that it’s a good idea to massage your feet for you.

After your feet have been soaked, it’s the perfect time to do some normal maintenance. If you have a pumice stone then this is the best time to use that pumice stone. The skin is soft and easier to work with after a long, hot soak. So go to work on those heels and make them nice and smooth. You can then clip your nails and make them nice and neat. This is the perfect time to do anything that you would normally do as foot maintenance.

Lastly, after your soak, massage and maintenance, you should lotion your feet up with something soothing and fragrant. I, personally, think that anything with lavender or peppermint is absolutely perfect for soothing tired, achy feet. I use to have a business of my own making handmade soaps, shower gels and lotions and I was always being told the my peppermint lotion was a favorite of happy feet. Peppermint and lavender lotions have a cooling effect on your feet so these scents are perfect for your tired, achy feet.

Lotions can, of course, be used during the massaging session and I do prefer it that way myself. Oh and tell your spouse not to worry. If they don’t like lotion on their hands just remind them that they can just wash it off after they are finished massaging your feet. It’s just that easy.

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If all else fails, just go to your favorite day spa and pay someone to take care of your tired, achy feet for you. This is a nice splurge when you have the time and money to do it. Maybe you could hint to your spouse that you would like a gift certificate to the spa. Ahhhh, that would be the life.

Once you are finished with all of the above, it’s time for a coat or two of your most favorite color of polish for those toenails. Any color will do as long as you like it. Now don’t you feel better? I know I do! Think of this time as a nice payback for the feet that work so hard, all day long for you. Now just sit back and relax the rest of the night. Your feet will thank you!