How to Soothe a Teething Baby

Baby teething happens in every baby. Babies have been teething since the beginning of time. Teething is the body’s natural way of development. Babies grow; as such, they’re teeth have to erupt from the skin. Let’s take a look at what causes teething; how to sooth your baby; and home remedies that can bring relief to the pain from baby teething.

What causes Baby Teething?

Any baby under two will go through baby teething. Whether the baby teething causes discomfort, may or may not happen; what will happen is baby teeth will erupt through the skin. In the first eighteen months, your baby will get a series of new teeth. From the age of six to twelve months, your baby will get the central incisors. From the age of nine months to sixteen months, your baby will get the lateral incisors. This is a good indication that your baby may experience discomfort from baby teething in the first eighteen months!

Symptoms of Baby Teething

Baby teething can come with discomfort for the baby. Baby teething can continue for a few days to a few weeks prior to the eruption of the baby teeth. During this time, the baby can experience different symptoms.

Baby Teething Irritability: As the tooth gets ready to erupt from the baby’s gums, this can be extremely painful to the baby and can become very sore. Your baby may be fussy or may not have a care in the world as every baby is different.

Baby Teething Drooling: You may start to notice that your baby is drooling. If so, this can be another symptom of baby teething.

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Baby Teething Coughing: Your baby might experience occasion coughing with the teething but if there are no signs of the flu or cold, have no worries.

Baby Teething Biting & gnawing: A sure sign of a baby teething is a biting baby. When they start gnawing on everything, that’s a good sign they are teething.

Baby Teething Low-grade fever: Doctors don’t like to link fevers with baby teething, but mothers of American will link these two for certain! As the tooth gets closer to erupt, babies may have a low grade fever. If the fever lasts for more than two days, be sure to consult with your doctor.

Baby Teething Sleeplessness: No sleep for the mom and baby could be a sign of baby teething. Baby’s that wake up in the middle of the night just might be associated with teething.

How to Sooth your Teething Baby

• Rock your baby to sleep.

• Give your baby something cold to chew on.

• Give food to the baby; carrots are a favorite.

Massage the baby’s gums for instant relief.

Baby Teething Home Remedies

Home remedies have been used for centuries on people. Babies often have aliments that can be cared for by using baby home remedies. Remember to always be smart and if you need to consult with your doctor, please do. These home remedies are safe to use in moderation. Check some of my other baby home remedies!

Popsicle Teething Home Remedy

Take a sugar free Koo-laid mix. You want to follow the directions to make the sugar free Koo-laid. Take an ice tray or Popsicle tray and pour the Koo-laid mixture into the tray. Let this freeze for a wonderful teething remedy.

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Vanilla Teething Home Remedy

Take a teaspoon of Vanilla Extract and rub onto the baby’s gums. The Vanilla needs to be not an imitation. I keep a little Tupperware with only the vanilla for the baby in it. This way, I have it available and I’m not using straight out of my baking supplies.

Pickle Teething Home Remedy

There is nothing better than sucking on a large pickle. Not only is it safe for your baby, but they will enjoy the pickle thoroughly! The pickle will taste great and give the baby relief as they gnaw away!

Chamomile Home Remedy

Brew a cup of steaming chamomile tea. Let this cool completely. Soak a washrag in this tea and place in the freezer. Let the baby gnaw on this chamomile rag to find relief from baby teething.

Fruit Home Remedy

Take whatever fruit you have on hand such as bananas. Freeze these until completely frozen. Let the baby gnaw on this. Make sure you watch to make sure no part of the fruit breaks off into the baby’s mouth.


Baby Teething