How to Slow Down Fast Drivers for the Safety of Kids

Like most parents, I worry about the safety of my kids, especially around roads near our home. People often speed without regard for the safety of children, and as fast as many drive and quickly turn corners, they could never stop in time should a child cross their path. Those who drive as if they’re always in a hurry must not have kids on their mind, and maybe this is because they don’t have children. They aren’t thinking that the kids playing in yards and on the sidewalks would enter the roadway, but it can happen. Kids that are playing aren’t always thinking of moving vehicles, just as drivers aren’t always thinking of children and their safety.

Cardboard Cutouts of Kids?

I recently heard of a parent who resorted to placing cardboard cutouts of his kids by the street in an effort to slow fast drivers, but what immediately came to mind was the danger created by this creative attempt to slow fast drivers. Initially it sounds like a good idea, but if cardboard cutouts of real kids remain near the street on a regular basis, those who regularly travel that particular street would eventually realize these cutouts weren’t real kids and ignore them. Real children could eventually be mistaken for cardboard cutouts, and this could pose even more of a danger to kids crossing the street or playing in the area.

Although cardboard cutouts of life-size kids would probably work to slow down drivers for a short period of time, this method to slow down drivers isn’t a long-term solution, and it doesn’t take a genius to realize that this could create more of a hazard to area children. This is just one of the reasons why the general public shouldn’t be allowed to create and erect homemade street signs. They should go through the proper channels to have approved signs erected by the highway or street department in their area, and they should regularly instruct their kids regarding safety near the streets. Kids who are too young to comprehend street safety should be properly supervised by adults in a secure backyard, and they should never play out by themselves or under the sole supervision of other kids.

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Stricter Speed Enforcement

Warning signs can be helpful to slow down some fast drivers, but dozens of warnings signs won’t slow careless drivers who consciously ignore street signs. They know what they’re doing. What will effectively slow fast drivers in areas where parents are concerned about the safety of kids are police cars, and the mere sight of a squad car almost always slows careless speeders. Problem areas should be patrolled more often, and drivers who break the law and endanger the safety of area kids should receive hefty fines. Getting from point A to point B a few minutes quicker and endangering the lives of kids and others who must cross the streets certainly isn’t worth the risk, but people who blatantly ignore the law must be hit where it counts – in the wallet.

Don’t Give Up

If you are concerned about the safety of your kids because of those who drive too fast, don’t try to slow them down by taking the law into your own hands and erecting homemade signs. You could end up causing more harm than good in ways you probably haven’t considered. Contact your local law enforcement agency, and request stricter speed enforcement in your area. If you feel your requests are falling on deaf ears, don’t give up without a fight. Contact your local police department until someone is willing to listen and respond. In addition, request a permanent speed reduction to help slow speeding drivers, and contact the highway department to request signs that warn fast drivers of children that play in the area.