How to Sell Your Quilts Online

Quilts have been there for years, with quilting being passed from one generation to another. And now more than the recent years, more and more people are getting onto quilting. They are either doing it as a hobby, to learn a new craft, to use the quits as a gift for friends and family. However more and more people are also looking for ways to sell their quilts online to make money.

Some people are already professional quilters and have a large consignment of quilts they would like to sell. Traditionally you had to get out of the house to trade shows to showcase your wares. But this is not practical for stay at home mums or if you are too busy. It is therefore very important to know how to sell your quilts online.

Selling quilts online has its advantage in that you do not have to leave the house. In addition there are sites that will handle all the payment for you, so there is no security risk.

There are two ways you can go about selling your quits online. You can sell your quilts through your own website or through a third party site.

Selling the quilts directly form your site, means having a website and setting up a payment processor in place like PayPal to receive the money. You will then need to market your website to get traffic.

To market your website. You can write articles in relation to your quilts and their beauty. You can also join quilting forums where you will always get people interested in your quilts. You can also market the site by advertising in your local dailies and magazines.

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Secondly an even easier way to sell quilts online is through the use of third party sites like, eBay and Etsy ( url at the end). In this sites you do not need to have a website. Take photos of your quilts. Open an account in the sites, find out how to set a sellers account. Upload your photos, set the price and you are set. with Etsy they will take a percentage when your quilt is sold. With eBay they will charge you a listing fee. It is therefore very easy to start selling your quilts online, without investing any money upfront.

To be able to make good money selling quilts online the following four points should be considered.

Make sure you have some unique listings, this way you will attract people to your goods. For example you can offer to make photo quilts with general photos or ask people to send you their photos to make them custom quilts.

Ina addition understand your target audience. Who do you want to have your quilts. Make it very elaborate and attractive to your target group.

Use very high quality materials, with great handiwork to make you have repeat customers. Offer discounts if they buy more than two or three quilts.

To be even more effective, display the quilts in use in your home or in a friends house.

Combine having both a website and selling in the third party sites to have more and more sales of your quilts online.

Places to sell quilts online: