How to Select Quality Women’s Clothing

When you purchase women’s clothing, you don’t want to skimp on quality. Poor quality clothing will have a shorter lifespan and won’t wear as well as higher quality pieces. If you spend a little more on your fashion selections, you’ll find that you need fewer pieces in your closet and you’ll feel better wearing the clothing you have. There are certain characteristics that better quality clothing has that you can learn to identify. Here’s what to look for when you shop for high quality women’s clothing:

Check the stitching.

High quality women’s clothing will have straight stitching with an average of ten stitches per inch. Garments with uneven or loose stitches should be avoided since they won’t have the durability needed for long term wear.

Check the belt.

If the garment you’re considering has a belt that comes with it, check the quality of it. If it appears, cheap, thin, or flimsy, chances are the entire garment is of lower quality and should be avoided.

Check the zippers.

Zippers should blend in with the color of the garment and should never be obvious. Be sure to move the zipper up and down to be sure it works properly. The movement of the zipper should be smooth and fluid.

Check the buttons and buttons holes.

High quality women’s clothing have smooth, finished buttonholes which fit neatly over the button. Buttons should be of high quality and securely sewn onto the garment. Loose buttons are a sign of shoddy craftsmanship.

Check the hem.

Quality garments have hems that are hand sewn and invisible from the outside of the garment. Make sure there is an adequate hem allowance which also indicates better quality.

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Inspect the fabric.

Hold the fabric up to the light and look for visible flaws and pulls in the structure of the fabric. Learn to develop a feel for high quality fabric. One of the best ways to do this is to visit a high end women’s fashion boutique. Walk through the store and touch the fabric on the higher end designer clothing. Get a feel for its texture. Now visit a lower end fashion outlet and repeat the process. You’ll quickly develop an ability to determine fabric quality this way.

Inspect the lining.

High quality women’s clothing is lined with quality fabric that drapes smoothly. Good choices are silk or rayon. A hand stitched lining is another sign of quality.

Follow these guidelines when choosing high quality women’s clothing and you’ll develop a wardrobe that will give you many years of fashionable wear.