How to Reuse Old Tires for Gardening

How to reuse old tires is a major environmental issue. Used tires create problems. They often collect water and become a breeding ground for mosquitoes. They can catch on fire and release toxic pollutants. They don’t stay buried because they trap methane gas which causes them to rise up out of the ground.

In spite of all the recycling efforts and unique ideas for using old tires, a huge surplus still remains. However, gardeners have a tremendous opportunity to do their part in a small way by using old tires horticulturally.

Raised Mini-gardens
Used tires can be stacked and used to make raised mini-gardens for growing vegetables and flowers. There are several advantages. These mini-gardens need less water, fertilizer, and weeding. Black rubber absorbs heat from the sun. In addition to that, soil warms up faster when it is above the ground. This added warmth jump starts the growth of the plants. You can be the first in the neighborhood to have fresh tomatoes every season!

Stacking tires one above the other raises the surface of the garden. This can enable disabled people or those in wheelchairs to be able to reach the plants and enjoy gardening work.

Also, stacking tires for a mini-garden gives gardeners enough soil area for deep-root plants that need more depth of soil.

Tire planters make it possible to have a garden in steep or rocky areas where it would be very difficult to have a regular garden.

Gardeners can follow the idea of mini-gardens, but take it a step farther. Draping plastic over the garden works as a greenhouse effect. You can also use glass from an old window.

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Smaller tires from riding mowers or other small vehicles can be used as planters. You have the same advantages as using larger tires. No matter how small or difficult your planting space may be, you can still plant herbs, peppers, cherry tomatoes, and other plants in small tires.

Tree Protectors
When planting young trees, tires can be put around the saplings to help the soil remain undisturbed. The tire will also hold mulch around the base of the trees, helping to protect the young saplings. The young trees will be protected against possible damage from the lawn mower. It’s a good idea to drill holes in the side of the tire next to the ground so water does not collect in the tire.

Tires may even be attractive to frogs and toads as a home. They will hang around and eat the bad insects that you don’t want around.

Is Reusing Tires In Gardening a Health Risk?
Sometimes people question whether or not it is a health risk to use tires in gardening. Mr. Paul Farber answers this question with a fact-filled discussion on his website,

Whatever ideas you choose in recycling, old tires can be painted. A brown or earthy green can be used to blend in with garden surroundings. Or, if desired, a brighter color can be used to make it stand out and complement other colors outside your home. Use an oil or shellac-based primer, and then cover with acrylic exterior paint.

Following these suggestions for gardening, you can reap the reward of easy, productive horticulture. You will, as well, be helping to reduce the environmental problem of how to reuse old tires.

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