How to Relieve a Tension Headache

Those with headaches can attest to the fact that this sometimes annoying, many times painful condition can ruin a day or disrupt a life. The most common type of headache is a tension headache, which becomes more frequent and severe during times of emotional or physical stress.

Tightness or pain in the muscles of the neck, back, and shoulders may accompany a tension headache. You may feel pain all over your head, pressure, or feel as if your head is being squeezed. A tension headache may also present itself as a dull, pressing, burning sensation above the eyes. The pain can affect the jaw, face, neck, shoulders, and upper back. Sometimes, one can’t even pinpoint the source of the pain at all.

Since tension headaches are most often brought on by stress, there are many things you can do to prevent them. Besides taking acetaminophen or ibuprofen, here are a few ways to keep tension headaches from disrupting your life.

Reduce emotional stress

Take time to relax before and after you do something that has caused a headache in the past. Try a progressive muscle relaxation technique. This involves lying still, closing your eyes, and focusing on the relaxation of each muscle in your body, beginning with your feet and ending with your head.

Reduce physical stress

When sitting at a desk, change positions often and stretch for 30 seconds each hour. Make a conscious effort to relax your jaw, neck, shoulder, and upper back muscles.

Think about your posture

Slouching may lead to sore muscles and, ultimately, a tension headache. Sit straight in your chair with your lower back supported. Make sure your computer screen is at eye level. Evaluate your neck and shoulder posture at work and make adjustments if needed.

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Make a point to get some sort of physical exercise every day. This can help relieve muscle tension and reduce stress.

Get a massage

Some people find that a regular massage can be helpful in relieving tension. The masseuse can focus on areas that are most tense or places where you carry most of your stress, such as the forehead or neck.

Pass on the coffee

Limit your caffeine intake to one to two cups per day. People who drink a lot of caffeinated beverages often develop a headache several hours after they have their last caffeinated drink. Some may wake with a headache that is relieved by drinking caffeine. Cut down slowly to avoid caffeine-withdrawal headaches.

To relieve a tension headache, try sitting quietly for a few minutes. Close your eyes, breathe slowly, and relax your head and neck muscles. You may apply heat to the painful area with a heating pad, a hot water bottle, or a warm shower.

If your headache is severe, awakens you from a sound sleep, or occurs during or after physical exertion, call your doctor. He or she can aid in discovering and eliminating the source of your headache, as well as prescribe medication if necessary.

