How to Recognize and Treat Face Milia

Do you have tiny white bumps on your face that seem to be just beneath the skin? Are these bumps driving you crazy because you can’t seem to squeeze these out? These might be milia. Here is how to recognize and remove the milia you already have and ways to prevent get more milia:

What are Milia? According to, milia are “deep seeded” white bumps that occur due to clogged pores. Basically, milia are small, hard whitehead-type cysts that grow under the skin. indicates that milia can also occur for other reasons, with heredity being one of these reasons. Regardless of the reason milia occur, they are ugly, so you want to remove these. So, how do you go about removing these without visiting a doctor?

How to Remove Milia. If you have a milia on your eyelid (or in the eye area), chances are that the milia is just under the skin’s surface because skin is so thin in the eye area. This makes the milia easier to remove, and many people use tweezers to remove the milia. This, for the eye area, is likely the safest and easy way to remove eye milia. So, how do you do this?

Just place the tweezers over the milia and use your tweezers to pull the skin up and away from your eye (to avoid catching your eye with the tweezers). As you pull the skin up, tweeze hard to flatten the hard milia cyst. You can then use the tweezers to pull open a small portion of the skin and squeeze out the milia.

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You might have to remove the milia differently if the milia is located elsewhere on your face because it might be deeper into the skin that it would be on the eye. If this is the case, then use some alcohol to sterilize the tip of a safety pin (because a safety pin is sturdy and easy to control) and insert the tip into your skin’s surface, just above the milia to break the skin and then remove the pin.

Some blood might escape, but the milia will too if you push in and upward to force it from your skin. Make sure that you get it all, too. If you don’t, you will have to finish removing it later because the small portion you leave in might grow bigger. Be sure to use a dab of alcohol to sterilize the broken skin area. This might sting. Now, how can you prevent milia?

Milia Prevention. Sometimes you cannot prevent milia, but you can certainly control the presence of milia. To do this, you must first get rid of all the milia that you already have present in your face. This means that you might have some that you cannot yet see. Micro-dermabrasions help with this. A micro-dermabrasion consists of a licensed aesthetician using a wand-like instrument to spit a sand-like substance out onto your skin.

The aesthetician then uses air from the wand to move the sand-like particles back and forth on your skin, scrubbing away dead skin cells, along with dirt and debris and then using the same wand to suck the sand-like substance back up into the wand. (You can actually see the dead skin particles in the sand if you look closely at the bottle after the aesthetician finishes the procedure.)

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It is important to get a micro-dermabrasion done at least once a month. If you have a large amount of visible milia on your face (or if the milia seem deeper that just below the skin’s surface), you might want to be more aggressive with your micro-dermabrasion treatments, as these treatments will help uncover the milia quicker. Too, it will make it easier to remove the milia as it surfaces.

A micro-dermabrasion can be quite expensive, even though it is a perfectly safe procedure. To get the best price on a micro-dermabrasion, avoid getting it done at a dermatologist’s office. Also, shop around for prices. If you see a large salon that offers these, chances are you will pay more to help pay for the building. Save your money and get one done cheaper with someone that owns a smaller business. The micro-dermabrasion is sometimes better because the smaller business needs the repeat business.
