How to Quickly Tighten Your Stomach and Burn Calories at the Same Time

I have recently discovered an exercise routine that blasts away belly fat. Although I am at a healthy weight, I have still had to struggle with that ever-so-lovely stomach pouch that most people would kill to get rid of. However, I have just recently developed a few exercise moves that have tightened my stomach in a very short amount of time. After only one week, I was seeing results! Here is a step by step tutorial:

1. Stand with both legs apart, lining them up just an inch or two further out than your hips (creaing an “A” shape with your body)

2. Ball each of your hands into a fist and bend your elbows

3. Making sure to keep your legs as motionless as possible (only bending the knees slightly for balance), begin to literally “punch” the air, twisting from side to side, keeping your motions tight and very controlled

4 You may extend your punches outward to each side, upward, or across, but make sure to engage your stomach muscles (which won’t be hard to do)

5. Keep your body guessing by changing the directions and angles at which you punch every few seconds

Just turn on a great, upbeat workout CD and get to pumping those arms for twenty minutes. You’ll not only be engaging each section of your stomach with each different move, but you’ll also be burning calories and working up a sweat! You should feel tightened abs after one good workout, and you should start seeing your first set of permanent results after just seven to ten days. It’s so much fun, and it really works, but the key is to make sure that you actually use those stomach muscles. A twenty minute workout isn’t much, so you have to take advantage of each and every punch. Don’t just move your arms! Bend, flex, and move that waist. You’ll see and feel the difference. For a little extra proof as to whether or not these exercises work for you, take a tape measure and start measuring your abs once a week while following this routine. Every time you lose a little bit of fat and turn it into muscle, you’ll feel even more motivated to keep it up. If there’s one thing that will give you the incentive to work out every day, it’s seeing results. Give it a try, and if you can do it more than twenty minutes a day, go for it! My only warning would be to expect a small amount of back and arm soreness after the first few workouts until you get used to the high intensity level. This is to be expected, as you will be engaging muscles that you probably didn’t realize you had, and that you haven’t made much use of in quite a while. If you experience any pain at all, you can do like I did and simply move a bit slower during your routine. Other than that, you should be soon looking at a flatter, tighter stomach.