How to Prevent Loss of Eyelashes

Are you experiencing thinning of your eyelashes? This can be a disturbing problem for women since long, lush eyelashes are considered a sign of beauty in American culture. If you’re experiencing this problem, what can you do to prevent loss of eyelashes? Here are some simple steps you can take to address the frustrating issue of eyelash loss:

Prevent eyelash loss: Determine the cause

Loss of eyelashes can be caused by a variety of medical problems. If you’re noticing thinning of the hair on your head and the appearance of bald patches, you may be suffering from alopecia areata, a medical condition in which the body’s own immune system attacks the hair follicles. Other medical conditions which may cause loss of eyelashes include hypothyroidism and various hormonal imbalances as well as autoimmune diseases such as lupus. Nutritional disturbances such as a severe protein deficiency or malnourishment as would be seen with anorexia nervosa or bulimia can also cause loss of eyelashes. Certain medications, especially cancer chemotherapy, may also play a role. In addition, there’s a mite called D. folliculorum which can cause an infection that can contribute to eyelash loss. Check with your physician and rule out these medical conditions as a cause for your loss of eyelashes first.

Prevent eyelash loss: Rule out allergies to your eye makeup

Sometimes loss of eyelashes can be due to an allergic reaction to one of the ingredients in your makeup. Have you recently switched to a new brand? If so, you may want to eliminate that product and see if your symptoms improve. You can also try changing to hypoallergenic eye makeup products to see if this solves the problem.

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Prevent eyelash loss: Avoid waterproof mascaras

Waterproof mascaras can be very difficult to remove, frequently requiring lots of rubbing and tugging on the lashes. This can cause loss of eyelashes. Switch to a lighter mascara that’s not waterproof and be gentle when you remove your eye makeup. Soak a cotton ball in baby oil or eye makeup remover and gently go over the lashes without pulling or tugging on the hair shaft. Removing eye makeup after a hot shower can make the job easier and less stressful on the lashes.

Prevent eyelash loss: Change the way you apply your eye makeup

If you’re using an eyelash curler, you may want to discontinue this practice. An eyelash curler used regularly can add additional stress to your eyelashes causing them to thin out. Go lighter on your applications of mascara and avoid rubbing your eyes when you’re wearing it. Always remove mascara without tugging or pulling on your lashes before going to bed. Heavy coats of mascara left on overnight can contribute to eyelash loss.

Prevent eyelash loss: Reassess your diet

Have you recently gone on a calorie restricted diet? Are you getting enough protein on a daily basis? Calorie restriction and protein deficiency can both contribute to thinning of eyelashes.

If eyelash loss is a continuing problem despite the above measures, you should see a dermatologist who may be able to address the problem in more depth so you can preserve your beautiful lashes.