How to Prepare Vegetable Gardens Pots for Your Terrace Garden

Growing vegetables in pot for your terrace garden requires knowledge on soil, manure, humus, Leafy manure and drainage. Vegetables garden in you terrace will become a constant source of fresh vegetables for your home. You can have organic garden of your own.

Selection of pots – Vegetable garden or growing vegetables
First and foremost is a right selection of pots for you’re vegetable garden. Since you will be growing vegetables at your terrace you need to have pots with wider opening and medium height. This will allow you to take care of the plants well and the pots will assists in good growth of plants as well. These pots will be lighter to carry from one place to another in your terrace. The lighter pot will also be easier to tilt while re-potting and making fresh pots next year.

Well drainage – Vegetable garden or growing vegetables
While selection of vegetable gardens pot you should adequately see that they have holes under the pot with flat bottom which helps in proper drainage. Before filling the pot with soil, keep two to three small pieces broken old pot on the side of hole, so that water is properly drained, but soil is not washed away.

Soil type – Vegetable garden or growing vegetables
For growing vegetables in pots right selection of soil plays very important part. Vegetable gardens soil should be loamy soil rich in humus. Soil should contain some amount of sand to absorb water and keep the soil porous for well aeration. The vegetable garden soil should not contain stones and should not be acidic. The soil should be able to hold water and earthworms.

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Leafy manures – Vegetable garden or growing vegetables
For growing vegetables in pots your must add adequate proportion of leafy manures which will help the vegetables plants to grow well. Leafy manures will keep the soil rich in humus and help earthworms to live in the soil.

Other manures – Vegetable garden or growing vegetables
Growing vegetables in pots requires certain amount of dry cow dung and poultry waste as well as. This will facilitate proper growth of you’re vegetable garden. This will also be organic garden.

Organic garden pesticides – Vegetable garden or growing vegetables
To have an organic garden you should utilize organic pesticides. You can add dry Neem leaves in the vegetable garden pots which act as a natural and organic pesticide. Neem leaves will not harm soil as well as ecology. But they will protect you’re vegetable garden and help in growing vegetables in your pots.

Preparation of vegetable garden pots – Vegetable garden or growing vegetables
Once you have soil ready place the small pieces of broken pots on the hole of the pot. Fill the soil that is well mixed with leafy manures and other manures. In growing vegetables in pots you can add few earthworms per pot to have fully organic garden.

Happy gardening!

Personnel experience.