How to Prepare for Artificial Insemination

If you are thinking or preparing for your first round of artificial insemination, there are a few things you can do to prepare your body, mind, and soul. To be honest, there are no words to be said that will help you be 100% ready for all that you go through during the artificial insemination process. The truth is that this fertility treatment isn’t an easy journey. Yet, the rewards can be simply, a baby. I hope these tips help you as you begin this journey to getting pregnant.

Save Money

I wish I could say trying to get pregnant is cheap. If you are thinking about artificial insemination, you need to be prepared for the costs that often come with this infertility method. If you have insurance, you can get all your blood work paid for and sometimes part of the infertility treatments. It just depends on your insurance. Take the time to call ahead and see what your insurance will or will not cover. If your insurance doesn’t cover infertility treatments, it helps to call around and get a ball-park figure so you can began saving. Save, save, save!

Ask Questions

As you begin this process, don’t be afraid to ask tough questions. Although this list is endless, I wanted to offer a few suggestions. Remember, questions about fertility/infertility can be researched online. So, if you don’t get all the answers you need, be willing to research yourself. The more prepared you are, the better off you will be as you walk though the process.

How much money will it cost?

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Can we afford the artificial insemination?

Have we looked at all our options?

How many infertility specialist are in our area?

How much is the first consultation?

Are we prepared for the ups and downs?

Do we have a support system?

Is there anyone we know who’s gone through this journey?

Ignore Embarrassment

Saying you need help getting pregnant isn’t anything to be embarrassed about. Each of us struggle with different things and for many, infertility is one of those things. Going to an infertility specialist can be a daunting task. Especially, that first day of walking into the office and talking about eggs, sperms, sex, and all the other things that come up in your consultation.

The best tip I can give is to be prepared to talk about everything. If there was ever a time to leave embarrassment at the door, it is now. This goes for the husband and wife because we each have our own embarrasment about the process. Remember why you’re there. Remember what you’re spending all the money on. It will be worth it.

Talk with Your Spouse

Some of the hardest parts of this journey are the woman and man really have to tackle some difficult things alone. Whether it is giving a semen sample or the actual insemination, this journey isn’t easy. Learning to talk about each step can create a foundation for openness within the marriage.

From the second you decide that you want to pursue artificial insemination, don’t be afraid to research together and find answers to all your questions. No matter how much the infertility specialist tells you in your consultation, there are still often many questions left unanswered. Use the Internet to your advantage and seek out answers before you begin. The more prepared you are, the easier the process will be.

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Plan Ahead

When the month arrives when your artificial insemination process begins, you need to have a game plan. Let’s face it. Life is busy and when you add in doctor visits, shots, tests — life can become crazy, if not emotional. Take the time to spend as much time as a couple as possible. Dinner at home, date nights, movie nights — do anything that will bring you as a couple together! Don’t worry about all the little things as much as focusing on your marriage, your body, and getting the rest needed through this infertility process.

Be Ready for Emotions

How can one be prepared the emotions that come with artificial insemination? The key is to stay calm throughout the process. Understand that your emotions will go up and down — it’s not an if, but when.

Talk with your spouse about what will happen so you are both prepared. In essence, knowing what will happen before it happens can guarantee success. Success of your marriage, happiness and peace of mind are necessary as you begin to conceive. If you can find ways to deal with the emotions, do so. You won’t regret being prepared.

Often times, your doctor will have you begin taking a fertility drug, such as Clomid. You will begin taking the Clomid at the beginning of your menstrual cycle although your doctor will give you a specific date to begin. The Clomid helps stimulate your ovaries and helps develop several mature eggs for fertilization. Hurray for mature eggs!

This process is worth it! When you think about the chance of having a baby, remember that there are pros and cons to everything. Take the time to think about these pros and cons as these will be different for each couple. No matter how prepared you are, there is no way to be fully prepared with either finding out your pregnant or finding out you aren’t pregnant. Each will be emotional. Be ready by preparing so this journey can be peaceful, stress-free environment for you and your spouse.

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