How to Pick a Suitable Pet Sitting Business Name

If you are considering setting up your own pet sitting business you will have a lot to consider, such as the kinds of services you will offer, rates you will charge clients and other factors. As you get ready to start trading, you will also need to start thinking about choosing a pet sitting business name that you will use.

Make it Personal

A personal pet sitting business name will make it unique to you and what you offer and can include part, or all, of your name. If you will be offering dog grooming or dog nail clipping services, choose a name that will be personal to you and reflect your services such as “Sophie’s Pedi Paws. Including your name adds an instant personal touch and what follows lets people know that you are in the pet sitting business.

Make it Obvious!

Do you want clients to know right away what you offer? If so, choose a pet sitting business name that leaves clients in no doubt as to what you offer. For example, if you are interested in boarding or daycare, a fitting name would be “Kim’s Doggie Daycare” which clearly states the purpose of your business.

Or if you will be offering a wide range of pet sitting services such as home boarding, doggie daycare, house sitting and dog walking, you should consider trading under a broader name. Ella’s Pet Care Services” does not specifically state what you will offer, but it does mention “Pet Care Services” which are the important keywords and phrases you will want to include in your web site, business cards and advertisements.

See also  Pet Sitting Contracts

Ask Friends and Family

If you are stuck for ideas, ask friends and family for help in brainstorming possible pet sitting business names. Jot down each idea, even if it seems a little far-fetched at this early stage. Come up with as many ideas as possible and then discuss each one. Help each other out by letting friends and family know the kinds of services you plan on offering. This can make it easier for them to help you come up with the most suitable pet sitting business name.

Choosing a suitable pet sitting business name is not always easy. It can be hard to come up with a name that best describes the business services you will soon be offering once you start trading. However, there is no need to make it any harder than it has to be. Keep the name personal and make your business plans obvious. If you are still stuck for ideas, ask friends and family to help you brainstorm possible business name ideas.

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