How to Peel, Seed and Drain a Tomato

How to Peel a Tomato: If you like to cook, you will often come across a recipe that asks you to peel a tomato. First, there is no law saying that you have to actually peel the tomato. If you don’t mind the skin of your tomato ending up in your cooked dish, then just use your tomato with the peeling! However, if you do want to peel your tomato, it’s very easy to do. And this works the same for any kind of tomato, including cherry tomatoes.

Step 1: Boil water in a saucepan. Boil enough water so your tomato will be fully covered by water when you drop it in the water.

Step 2: Take the boiling water off the heat and carefully drop your whole tomato (not cut) into the boiling water. You can lower it into the water with a spoon so you don’t burn yourself with splattering hot water.

Step 3: Leave your tomato in the boiling water for 15 seconds and check it by turning it with a spoon. If it looks like the skin is starting to get loose, then you can remove it from the water.

Step 4: Let your tomato cool just long enough so you can touch it without burning yourself, then using your fingers, simply peel off the tomato skin. If it’s stubborn, you can put it back in the water a bit longer, or you can just remove any of the leftover skin with a paring knife.

How to Seed a Tomato: If you are cooking a recipe that calls for seeding a tomato, and you don’t know how to seed a tomato, don’t worry. Seeding a tomato is very easy to do.

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Step 1: Wash your tomato.

Step 2: Cut your tomato in half across the middle, as seen in the photo above.

Step 3: Hold the tomato over a bowl, cut side facing down.

Step 4: Gently squeeze the tomato with your hand and twist the tomato a bit, almost like you are squeezing the juice from a lemon. The seeds and the gel will start to come out.

Step 5: Remove any seeds that remain in the tomato by scraping each cavity with a small spoon or your finger.

How to Drain a Tomato: You are about to make a sandwich to bring to work. You want sliced tomatoes on your sandwich, but the only tomato you have is wet and watery. You know that by the time you get to eat your sandwich, the bread will be wet too. Do not throw your tomato away! You can drain your tomato and make your sandwich. Your lunch is saved! This tip also works for draining tomatoes before putting them in a salad. The drained tomatoes will not make your lettuce wet.

Step 1: Wash your tomato.

Step 2: Seed your tomato to remove the gel and most of the water (see how to see a tomato here).

Step 3: Slice your tomato (for sandwiches) or cut your tomato into pieces (for salad).

Step 4: Place the tomato slices or the tomato pieces on a paper towel.

Step 5: Cover the tomato slices or the tomato pieces with another paper towel.

Step 6: Press down on the paper towel a bit to squeeze the water out of the tomato slices or pieces.

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Step 7: Remove the top paper towel.

Step 8: Pick up your slices, or for pieces, you can shake the paper towel over a plate to get the tomato pieces off the paper towel.

Step 9: Use your dry tomatoes in your sandwich or in a salad.

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