How to Paint a Concrete Porch

Get started today with your version of your favorite DIY program, My Own House! Paint that concrete porch and give yourself a clean slate that you can build a beautiful outdoor scene with. After all, shouldn’t your porch be an extension of your home? Here’s how to paint your concrete porch. Uncomplicated and inexpensive! Our two favorite words!

First you should note that brand new porches need to cure for a month before attempting this project. Concrete has a lengthy cure time. Newly poured concrete will need to set and cure for at least 28 days before applying paint or stain. And if you have cracks in your porch, that’s a whole different set of challenges. But if your porch is cured and you are crack free, then let’s get started painting your concrete porch.

Clear Paint Choices

You have three main choices when it comes to painting your concrete porch. Those are latex, oil and epoxy. Each has its pros and cons. Latex paint is generally the cheapest and will do for a basic concrete porch. However, if you are expecting alot of traffic then you may want to consider one of the other two. Also, latex may mean repainting that porch in two to five years, again depending on your wear and weather of course. Latex will give you a flat color but will produce a clean finish. The oil version is more durable than the latex but is a little more costly. The clean up requires mineral spirits and you should probably use a primer. However oil is long lasting and could last up to 7 years before repainting. The last choice is epoxy. Epoxy will need to be applied with the doors and windows of your house closed to the area being worked on. Epoxy smells and can be toxic if you inhale it for a long period of time in a confined area. Epoxy is the best paint for concrete and is the most expensive. It will be extremely durable and long lasting but will also create a slick surface. Be sure and sprinkle some clean play ground sand onto the concrete porch between the two coats. The sand will make your porch slip resistant! Here’s how to paint your concrete porch.

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Power Washing and Cleaning

Clear everything off your porch and while sweeping it, take a good long look at it. If you have heavy oil or grease stains you’ll need to use some Muriatic Acid to get it clean. Follow the instructions on the product carefully. Concrete is porous so oil stains could reappear in your paint job. If you don’t have heavy oil stains then just use some bleach water in your power washer. Allow the area to dry for 24 hours before beginning your painting.

Prime It!

You’ll need to cover your porch with a primer to keep the paint looking fresher longer. Paint colors always look more brilliant when applied over primed areas. If you plan on using a latex paint then use a latex primer. Same for oil. Prime it with a roller and extension stick.

Paint It!

After your primer has dried, usually about an hour or two, depending on your moisture content, paint it! You’ll need to apply two coats for longer wear time. Roll out the paint and don’t forget to sift some sand over the area between coats or just add some grit to the paint can. After you finish the second coat allow another 24 hours before walking on your newly painted floor. You are done. No sealer is needed!