How to Make the Most Money Selling Your Used College Books

If you have college textbooks collecting dust that you know you will not be using again, you may want to consider selling them once you have finished using them. You can put the money that you make from them towards your new books for the following semester. Of course, there are many ways that you can go about making the most money selling your college books when you have finished using them. Here are just a few of the many ways.

Post Flyers Around the College Advertising Books You Want to Sell

One way to sell your books is to find out how much your school is selling the particular college book, for both new and used. Then, you should choose a price for the college book that you are selling. It is a good idea to make sure that it is lower than what the school is selling it for new. You will also probably want to sell it lower than, or at least equal to, what the college is selling the textbook for used. Post a flyer that includes all details about the book, including the copyright year and edition. Make sure that you include your contact information and the price that you are asking for the book.

Find Out if Anyone You Know Needs the Book You’re Selling

If you know that a friend or family member is taking the same college course that you took, there is a good chance that they may need the same book that you are selling. Offer it to them at a reasonable price that is lower than what the school is asking for the same book, and you will be likely to sell it to them. Myspace and Facebook both have sections on their website where you can post books which you are selling. This is a great way to let people know that you are selling your book.

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Use a Website Such as eBay to Sell Your Old College Textbooks

More and more people are buying their college books online nowadays. What this means is that you will be likely to sell a college textbook online. You can use a website such as or eBay to sell your old college textbooks. The best way to make the most through one of these websites is to research what type of prices other people are selling the same book for. One way to draw attention to your book’s listing is to make it slightly lower than the other prices. Another great way to make purchasing the book from you seem more appealing is to offer free shipping, even if you choose to price the book slightly higher. People see the word “free” and don’t think twice about the price that they are paying.

You Can Try to Sell Your College Books Back to the College

Many college bookstores do repurchase books that they have sold to students. The main downfall is that the price that they are willing to give you is usually a lot lower than what you paid, as well as a lot lower than what you can sell your book for online or to someone you know. One of the best ways to see how much you can get for your college textbooks through a college is to check out several different colleges in the area. If there is a community college and a university nearby, you may want to check out both. Believe it or not, certain colleges do pay more than others for used textbooks.