How to Make Strep Throat a Less Painful Experience

Strep Throat is no fun at all. It can be a really miserable, painful experience. Knowing how to lessen the severity of your strep symptoms is important. Although antibiotics, like penicillin and amoxicillin, are used to get rid of the bacterial infection, it won’t always make the pain go away. I’ve had strep throat at least 5 times in the past year. In those 5 times, I’ve learned what helps me take the pain and soreness away. Here’s how you can get through the pain of having strep throat too.

Sore throats and strep throats are different, but these remedies can help any sore throat. Strep throat, however, usually lasts longer. Symptoms of strep throat include swelling of the throat, tonsils and lymph glands, fever, fatigue and sometimes nausea with vomiting and diarrhea. Swallowing will most likely be difficult for you, so the only foods you’ll probably want to eat are things like ice cream and Jell-O. It’s important to drink a lot of fluids with strep, especially taking antibiotics. Water is your best bet. Stay away from orange juice and other acidic foods, because it will make your throat burn! Alcohol is probably not a good idea either.

While battling strep throat, make sure you are getting enough rest. Sleep is important to help your body fight infection. Stay home from work or school, at least 24 hours after you’ve been on antibiotic treatment. After 24 hours, you’re no longer contagious. But even after 24 hours, if you are still feeling horrible, stay home.

See also  Symptoms and Treatments of Strep Throat

So you want to know some remedies to use on your strep throat? First, as most of us know, gargle with warm salt water. This really does help, at least for a little bit. Chloraseptic sprays have the same effect on your throat, although there is more of a numbing sensation with the spray. Another solution I have tried is 1 teaspoon of Frank’s hot sauce with 1 cup of warm water, gargling 3 times with the mixture. You could also try 1/8 teaspoon of cayenne pepper with ½ cup warm water. It does burn for a little bit, but it takes the pain away. I think it’s worth the burning. Do not swallow any of the gargle solutions though! Make sure you spit it out after gargling.

One drink that I like to make when I have a sore throat is hot tea with lemon and honey. Brew a normal cup of tea, add lemon juice and honey to taste. It will probably taste a little funny if you’re not used to lemon and honey, but it helps soothe your sore throat, and it’s also pretty easy to swallow.

Along with these remedies, you can take Motrin or Tylenol for the pain. One medicine that I found helpful is the Tylenol Sore Throat liquid medicine, nighttime formula. Not only does it help the pain go away, it also helps you sleep. And believe me, sleeping is going to be hard when your throat feels like it’s on fire!

Overall, take your antibiotics as prescribed, get plenty of rest and increase your fluid intake. Follow my remedies for pain relief, and you’ll be on your way to being yourself again.

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