How to Make Home Made Glycerin Soap

Glycerin soap is nice clean soap that makes your skin feel soft and smooth. You can easily make some home made glycerin soap for yourself or for your friends and family. All you need to make home made glycerin soap is some glycerin, a container and a microwave. You can purchase a block of glycerin at a craft store.

Once you get a block of glycerin you can cut the glycerin into small cubes or pieces. Glycerin is soft and easy to cut with a knife. When the glycerin is cut into chunks place a few of the glycerin chunks into a microwave safe dish. Set the glycerin in the bowl of hot water and place it all into the microwave. Set the microwave on a medium setting and microwave the glycerin for about 30 seconds. Then take out the glycerin and mix it.

If the glycerin is not a liquid then place it back into the microwave and sap it for 30 seconds again. Keep checking the glycerin until it is a liquid. When you stir the glycerin make even motions and try to to make bubbles or your soap will turn a white color.

Once your glycerin is melted then you can add colors or scents to the glycerin if you wish to make a colored or a scented soap. You can put in some vanilla soap scent or some lavender. Any soap scent is good to put in the glycerin at this point. You can also place a color in the glycerin if you want a colored soap.

Once you have your glycerin soap all mixed together with scents and color it is time to put the liquid into a mold of some kind. You can get a soap mold of some kind that works great or you can improvise a mold. You can use an egg carton for half egg shapes or a small empty yogurt container that you fill up only half way would work.

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Glycerin is clear and pretty so when you make soap with it then you can place a tiny toy in the center if you are making the soap for a child. Tiny toys like dinosaurs or even a marble would be a fun toy for a child to find in the soap.

Always be careful when you make soap since it is hot. Use caution when taking the hot glycerin out of the microwave and never touch the hot glycerin with your hands or fingers.