How to Make Giant Candy: Twix Bar

How many times have you heard something along the lines of, “Oh if only giant candy bars existed, that would be heaven.” The fleeting dream of giant chocolate bars and fist-sized bubblegum, a plethora of sweets and cavities. If that’s the case, I must be the angel, because in this article I’m going to show you how to make a giant Twix candy bar for under $20.

To make this mountain of chocolate you’re going to need some key ingredients:

2 packages of Maizena Cookies or Wafers
1 package of caramel candy or a large jar of caramel
2 pounds of creamy milk chocolate
A few plastic bowls and a cooking Pan

To make this, you’ll first need some kind of form or mold for the Twix bar. You can use anything that resembles a Twix, or you could even use a square Tupperware container if you don’t care about the shape of the outcome. Line the form with non-adhesive wax paper so that you can remove the candy afterward.

Put the entire cookie or waver in a blender and ground it into a course dust, try to get all the chunks out. After that, melt the chocolate-leaving some left over-on a stove on the lowest setting, stirring constantly until it’s creamy but not watery. Pour the melted chocolate into the form, and using a spoon smooth a thick layer over the entire inside of the form, and then stick it in the freeze for an hour or two. This layer needs to be especially thick and resilient because it needs to stand the heat of the melted caramel.

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Using an old pan, melt the caramel using the same method you used to melt the chocolate, but the caramel should be much thicker than the chocolate, make sure you don’t accidentally burn the caramel. Pour the caramel into the form, making sure to spread it evenly over both ends. Before the caramel hardens, pour all the ground cookie or wafer onto the top of the caramel, spreading it out evenly over the form. Make sure the wafer does not go past the top of the form.

Now that you have the chocolate, gooey caramel, and wafer in place, the only thing left to do is to seal it all up. Melt the remaining chocolate using the same method, but don’t cook it as long so that you have a thicker consistency. Pour the chocolate over the top of the form; be careful not to go over the edges. For a tasty effect, make some holes in the wafer with your finger and fill them in with chocolate.Once again, put the completed form in the freezer for 2-3 hours so that it hardens completely. Flip the bar out of the form and voila, you have just made you very own giant Twix bar. Show it to your friends and I promise they’ll purr with delight.
