How to Make a Three Dimensional Football Cake

This Three dimensional football birthday cake is perfect for a little boy who loves the sport of football. In the end this birthday cake will look like a football sliced in half and resting on a plate.

The skill level would for making this three-dimensional football cake is easy to medium. I would say give it a try even if you are not too experienced with cake decorating!

This is a fun; sports themed, and new twist on the traditional sports themed birthday cake ideas.

To Make Three Dimensional Football Birthday Cake You will need:

1 of your favorite boxed white cake mixes
1 – 2 Tub of Vanilla icing
White Tube Writing Icing
Carving knife

Ovenproof glass bowl

Fondant Icing in Brown (optional)

Click here for more ideas from Rebecca

the first step is to mix you cake together using the instructions on you box of mix. Now, instead of baking it in a traditional pan you can bake it in a round ovenproof bowl.

We will be carving the cake down when it comes out o the oven, so I you have a deep oval casserole dish that would work as well.

Once the cake has cooled flip it out of the baking pans onto a large platter, carving board, or whatever you have.

Now, at this point in the process you need to stick the cake in the freezer for about 20 to 30 minutes. You want to slightly freeze is, but not freeze it completely. This will help you cut it into the shape of the three dimensional football out.

Now, use a carving knife to shave off the parts of the cake to reveal a football shape.

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If you are using a round bowl shaped cake I recommend tracing an oval in the cake and cutting the excess away on the sides forts. Then, follow this step with rounding the ends to the pointed tip to the football. Finish with touch ups on the sides and top.

If you used a deep oval casserole dish, then start by cutting the pointed ends. Now, simple carve away at the top.

Now, you really should go ahead and place the three-dimensional football cake on a board or serving platter before you decorate it. You will not be able to move it once you decorate it or you will ruin it.

Now, take your 1 tub of the icing. You can use any colors that you want, but I recommend brown chocolate.

You may need both tubs (or more) to adequacy cover a large Cake.

Coat the entire three-dimensional football helmet Cake with a thick coat of icing. Use your spatula or butter knife to make the icing really smooth and flat. The more smooth the better.

Place your cake in the fridge for about 1 hour.

Once this thin layer has chilled apply another thicker coat of brown chocolate icing. This layer will go on a lot smoother!

To garnish take your tube of matching white icing and outline your Football. You should make the two stripes, one at each end and the stitches in the middle.

Use a real football for inspiration.

Now, take another color icing and writ “Happy Birthday” on the cake.

Click here for more ideas from Rebecca.

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