How to Make a Loomed Seed Bead Picture from a Cross Stitched Pattern

Learn how to make your favorite cross stitch pattern from seed beads and a beading loom. Beads aren’t just for jewelry making. As you will find from this craft project, you can make seed beads into other craft projects.

Items Needed for a Loomed Beaded Picture From a Cross Stitched Pattern

Cross Stitch Pattern – Use your favorite or a new cross stitch pattern for this project. Any size of a pattern will work for this project. Just remember, the larger the pattern, the more of the steps you will be repeating.

Beading Loom – You can purchase beading looms at any hobby and craft store. You can also make your own loom from plastic water pipes or from scrap lumber.

You can also make your own beading loom like the one Anita Cheek Moon shows in her article How to Make a Bead Loom Using Nothing but a Stick, Cardboard and Thread.

Seed Beads – You will need seed beads in the size of 5/16 or similar in size. You will not want to use to small or too large of seed beads for this project.

Beading Needles – Beading needles are used to thread the needles onto the thread in order to create jewelry pieces such as earrings, bracelets, light covers, chokers, and various other pieces using seed beads.

Beading Thread – The thread will be used to create the beaded cross stitch style picture.

A Marker or Quilting Pencil – Either of these items will be used to mark off the starting and stopping points on the loom thread.

Ruler – To measure the starting and stopping points on your loom thread.

Tray or Flat Surface – You will need to have one of these items to work the beads from for this project. You can find either of these at any hobby and craft store.

A table – You will need a table or other surface large enough to work on for this project.

Small Lamp – Since seed beads are small to work with, the more light you have to work with, will help reduce eye strain.

Assembling a Loomed Beaded Picture From a Cross Stitched Pattern

Step One: Finding the Cross Stitch Pattern

Find the cross stitch pattern that you wish to use for this project. For first time beaders and cross stitchers, I would suggest starting with a smaller pattern. You can use patterns from cross stitch books or from the internet.

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Step Two: Stringing the Loom

Tie one end of the beading thread onto the screw or hook at the bottom end of the loom. Weave the thread through the slots back and forth from the top to bottom or bottom to top. Once you have the loom threaded, cut enough thread off to tie it off to the other end of the loom.

Step Three: Marking off Your Cross Stitch Pattern

Marking off your cross stitch pattern is the third step due to the different beading looms that can be purchased. The amount of the pattern used in each section will depend on the amount of lines between the top and bottom threads of the loom. The length of each section of the pattern will depend on the length of the loom as well.

Start at the bottom of the pattern and count up the same amount of lines that you have for your loom. You can mark the ending of this section of the pattern once you have beaded the width of the loom. The following steps will explain how to begin and finish each section of the pattern.

Step Four: Starting to Seed Bead Weaving Your Cross Stitch Pattern

Cut a piece of the beading thread at least two feet long. Tie one end of the beading thread onto the bottom left side of the threaded loom rows. You will need to leave at least a two to three inch tail. You will weave the tails from the tie offs through the beaded pattern to help secure the rows into place.

Mark off 2 ½ inches from each end of the loom thread holder bar using a ruler and a marker or quilting pencil. Open the color of beads you have chosen for this project and place them into containers for easier access. You can use the containers for counting out the beads needed for each row for the beaded loom cross stitch picture.

Count how many squares starting from the bottom of the pattern you will need for the first color of beads. Pick up the beads from the container of beads needed with the tip of the beading needle. Once you have the amount of beads needed for the first color, push the beads off the needle onto the beading thread attached to your needle. Continue this process for the rest of the section of this row.

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Now that you have the amount of beads needed for the first section of the first row strung onto the beading thread, slide the needle, thread, and beads under the horizontal loomed thread. Place each bead between the horizontal threads using your index finger. With the threaded needle, slide the needle through the bead holes on the top side of the loom.

Once you have reached the bottom of the roll, start the process again for the next row on the pattern and the loom. Continue the rows until you have completed the section matching your cross stitch pattern. Anytime you miss count the beads, remove the beads from the needle and thread and start again. Once you get to about two to three inches from the end of the threaded needle, start a new two to three foot length of thread. Ending each section of thread at the bottom of each row is best.

Once you have reached the end of the loom, you will need to weave the tails of the thread back and forth through the beads. Thread the tails onto the needle and on the next row of beads, run the needle up through three beads and go more than one more row and do the same until you are unable to do so. Any little left over pieces of thread, cut them off with a pair of scissors in the same manner you would in cross stitching or sewing.

Now that you have the thread tails finished, cut the loomed bead section from your loom. You will want to do this as close to the screw or hook at the area where you tied the thread to start and end the thread on your loom. Later in this article, I will explain what to do with these threads. Lay this finished section aside for now.

Start either the next section to the right or the section above of the one you just finished. You will continue the steps for each section until you have finished your cross stitch pattern.

Step Five: Weaving the Sections Together

Place each of the sections of loomed bead sections in order they are needed coinciding with the cross stitch picture. Starting with the left bottom section, take the beaded section just above it, use the top thread of the bottom section, and weave it through the section above like you did the tails of each section. You will do this with both top threads of the bottom section. Do the same with the bottom thread of the second section. Do this for each of the sections.

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If you have two or more rows of beaded sections, continue this until you have the vertical sections woven together. Do not cut off any of the other threads.

If you have one vertical row of beaded loomed sections, take the remaining side threads and weave them through the horizontal rows of the beaded loomed sections. If you have two vertical rows of beaded loomed sections, weave the remaining side threads into the other vertical beaded loomed sections. The side threads will be woven into the other vertical beads sections until you have run out of threads in the center of the vertical beaded sections.

The outer threads on both sides of the loomed beaded picture will be woven into the picture to secure the outer edges of the picture. This will prevent the outer sides of rows from sliding. If you have areas that are not woven together due to the lengths of the previous threads, thread your needle and weave the areas together like you have done with the rest of the project.

Step Six: Hanging Your Beaded Loomed Cross Stitch Picture

If you wish to hang your beaded cross stitch picture, purchase or make a shadow box large and deep enough for your picture. You will also need sticky glue dots to attach the picture to the cardboard backing of the picture. Place the sticky dots to the back side of the beaded picture to ensure proper placement of the dots. Once you have enough sticky glue dots in place, gently press the shadow box cardboard backing onto the beaded picture. Let this set for a few moments before moving. Once you think the picture is adhered to the backing, place it into the shadow box and hang.