How to Make a Homemade Oatmeal Facial Mask Recipe

Making an oatmeal facial mask recipe is quite easy to do, as well as, enjoyable. Skin treatments with natural ingredients are preferred by many people. Why spend money at the spa when ingredients in your kitchen cupboards can give you the same results? People use homemade facials to save money or because they are sensitive to the chemicals found in most mass-produced products. Facials that use oatmeal are great for all skin types. Oatmeal is particularly effective at cleansing and moisturizing skin. Try using one or more of the following oatmeal facial recipes that I enjoy.

For this oatmeal facial mask recipe, combine one tablespoon of oatmeal powder, one egg white, and a few drops of lemon oil. Lemon oil is sold at most homeopathic stores or you can find it in the organic section of your supermarket. You can make your own oatmeal powder by mashing up some oatmeal that you have on hand. You don’t want to use the instant kind, however. Mix the ingredients together thoroughly and completely (this is especially important since you are using an egg in your mixture). Once combined, spread the mixture on your face, avoiding your eyes. Allow it to remain on your face until it is dry, which should take about twenty minutes. Once it has dried, remove it with some warm water and a washcloth.

The next oatmeal facial mask recipe includes two tablespoons of cooked oats and a tablespoon of plain, unflavored yogurt. As you stir the ingredients together, ensure the cooked oats are blended well. It is important that the oats are completely broken down before you attempt to put the mixture on your face. Use a bit of milk or a little more yogurt to thin out a mixture that appears to be too thick. Let the mask sit after spreading on the skin, but avoiding the eyes, for fifteen to twenty minutes. Once this mask dries, rinse your face with warm water. Follow this procedure with your regular moisturizer for best results.

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If your skin tends to be on the dry side, try this next method when creating your oatmeal facial mask recipe. Begin by massaging your face with a tablespoon of dry oatmeal. Now add a mashed banana and some yogurt together, and apply just like a moisturizing cream you would buy at the store. Take care not to get the cream into your eyes as you spread it onto your face. Let it soak into your skin for about twenty minutes or so, and then rinse it off with water (preferably warm).

You probably already have all the ingredients needed to make an oatmeal facial mask recipe. Using this type of facial, will not only save you money, but will also give you beautiful skin. If you can get the same results in the comfort of your home, why spend extra money at a spa? Perhaps you want to experiment with your own recipe. If you have sensitive skin, remember to test a patch of your skin, before spreading a mask on your entire face. You will find an oatmeal facial mask recipe that works well for you without ever having to spend a dime on those expensive salons or spas.