How to Make a Grooms Boutonniere

When you are trying to plan a wedding on a budget there are plenty of things that you can make yourself. These items can include the grooms boutonniere. Making the grooms boutonniere does not have to cost you a lot of money and you can do it yourself. Below you will find several suggestions on how you can make the boutonniere yourself. You can also make the boutonnieres for the entire grooms party if you have the time.

The first idea is a very simple one, and uses artificial flowers. What you do is pick out the type of flowers that you want to use. Using artificial flowers is a good idea because you can prepare them in advance. Visit your local arts and crafts store and browse through the artificial flowers until you find the ones that will make the boutonnières you want. You will also want to purchase some green tissue paper, a glue gun, and a box of pins. Once you have all of your items you can begin making your boutonnière. Start by cutting the stem of the flower to about finger length. Next take the green tissue paper and very gently wrap it around the base of the flower. Make the tissue paper as smooth as possible. You can then use the glue gun to secure the edges of the tissue paper to the flower. You will only need a dot of glue on the underside of the tissue paper. Then hold in place for a few minutes and it will stay in place. Or if you prefer not to use the glue gun you can also use a very thin piece of ribbon and tie it in a bow. The ribbon can also be used in place of the tissue paper.

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Another suggestion for making your own boutonnières for the groom and his party is to use real flowers. These flowers will need to be picked up the day before the wedding so that they are fresh. What is nice about these is that you don’t have to visit a flower shop. You can visit your local grocery store and go to the floral section. Just about all supermarkets have a floral section. Pick up flowers that you have already decided on in advance. For example you can pick up a dozen roses which will only cost you about $15 to $20. Then when you return home cut the stems of the roses off. You will want to leave some stem, that is about as long as your pointer finger. Next take some ribbon and very tightly wrap it around the base of the flower. To add a little extra touch to the boutonnière you can also pick up a small bunch of babies breath, and use the ribbon to secure it to the rose. Arrange the babies breath around the rose and use a hot glue gun to secure the ribbon. The entire process of making about a dozen boutonnières will only take your about thirty minutes. You can then take a box of pins and pin them to the groom. Remember that if you are trying to find ways to save money, don’t do things so much by the book, come up with your own creative ideas.