How to Make a Good First Impression at a Job Interview

When candidates arrive at a job interview they need to be focused on what they will say and how they will respond to questions. But they must not neglect their personal appearance and the way that they carry themselves. It is true to say that you only have one chance to make a good first impression. This means that candidates must make a good first impression, or else they may not be successful in securing the job they have applied for.

1. Personal appearance

Men and women must both be dressed professionally and smartly. Women should have well groomed and neat looking hair. Their tights or stockings must not have any holes or snags in them and their shoes should be clean and polished. Make up should be carefully applied. It is not necessary to wear heavy make up at a job interview. Women who choose to wear a skirt or dress must be careful to wear an outfit with a modest length to it. Tight fitting, above the knee apparel is not advisable for job interviews. Men on the other hand, must also be well groomed. They should shave, comb their hair neatly and wear a smart three piece suit. Again, shoes should be polished. For both sexes, the use of strong colognes should be avoided. Candidates should also keep their jewellery to a bare minimum. A plain wedding band or wedding set is sufficient, as well as a watch and simple stud ear rings for women. Other body piercings for men or women can be distracting and some employers do not appreciate it, as it does not give the impression that they are looking for.

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2. Posture

Employers will look at a person’s posture when they first walk into the room and see how they carry themselves. Does the candidate walk erect with confidence? Does he/she willingly shake the employer’s hand? Do they smile? All of these small details will be observed and taken into account. When the candidate sits down, they must be careful not to slouch in their chair. This conveys the impression that the person does not care or is bored, even if this is not the case. It is a good idea to practice proper sitting techniques prior to the job interview and to force the back to straighten up against the chair. This will make it feel more natural when the candidate arrives for the job interview.

3. Money questions

One of the issues that employers dislike to hear about is the money issue being raised very early on during the job interview. This will put off employers from the very beginning. It is wise to leave this question until towards the end of the interview. Better still, it is a good idea to let the employer bring it up. Of course, the compensation package is important, but it must not be one of the first things that employers hear, or they may tune out and decide that the candidate is not really interested in the company at all, only in the financial side of things.

4. Attitude

Employers are adept at sizing up a person. They will form an impression of their character within minutes of meeting them. That is why it is important to create the best impression early on. Be polite, inquisitive and yet still portray a positive attitude towards the job application. Remember to smile and seem interested in the job. This will mean a great deal to employers during the job interview. They would rather offer the job to an enthusiastic, positive person rather than someone who is apathetic and lacks any real drive to succeed.

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In conclusion, first impressions really do count. Before the employer even knows anything about your credentials and past experience, they will soon work out what kind of person you are and whether or not you will be a good employee. With the right tools in place, you will hopefully receive a job offer.