How to Make a Garden Salad More Filling

Piling your plate high with fresh, raw vegetables and adding your favorite salad dressing is one of the quickest ways to enjoy lunch without guilt. Not only can you control how many calories you take in, if you choose your salad veggies wisely you’ll benefit from the healthy antioxidants so abundant in fresh produce. Even though a garden salad is one of the most nutritious options for a fast meal, it’s not always satisfying, especially if you ate a light breakfast. If you find that you’re hungry within hours of eating that plate of salad, it may be time to re- evaluate what you’re putting into your salad bowl. Here are some ways to make a garden salad more filling.

Make a garden salad more filling: Add some pine nuts

Pine nuts are tasty salad toppers, but they add a lot more than crunch when you put them into a salad. A study showed that a group of overweight women who took pine nuts capsules before a meal experienced an increase in the level of two appetite suppressing hormones known as CCK and GLP-1. They also reported less hunger than women who didn’t receive the capsules. Sprinkling a few pine nuts onto a garden salad instead of croutons could be a tasty way to make it more satisfying.

Make a garden salad more filling: Add egg whites

Some salad bars offer egg whites as an option. If they do, add a handful to your next salad creation. Egg whites are an excellent source of high quality protein. High protein foods like egg have been shown to increase levels of an appetite regulating gut hormone known as PYY. No wonder so many bodybuilders swear by eggs when it comes to building lean body mass.

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Make a garden salad more filling; Add turkey

Turkey is another high protein food that’s low in calories and fat. Two slices of deli turkey has only forty calories and provides a nice taste contrast to the raw vegetables. If turkey isn’t an option, try boneless, skinless chicken breast instead. Both will fill you and stop those late afternoon cravings that can send you running to the snack machine.

Make a garden salad more filling: Add a little olive oil

Although olive isn’t low in calories, it’s high in oleic acid which is converted by the body into an intestinal hormone that depresses appetite. To get the appetite suppressing effects of olive oil, you don’t need a large amount. Make an olive oil based vinaigrette and lightly mist it onto your next garden salad. You’ll get the taste and the appetite suppressing benefits of the oleic acid without taking in excessive calories.

Make a garden salad more filling: Add some beans

Beans are one of the most filling foods around. They’re a rich source of complex carbohydrates and protein which are natural appetite suppressants. Plus, their high fiber content helps to slow the movement of food through the intestines, keeping you fuller longer.

A garden salad doesn’t have to leave you hungry. Choose your salad ingredients carefully and you can turn a simple salad into a nutritious and satisfying meal.
