How to Make a Basic Survival Knife

Should one ever find themselves lost in the woods or in another type of survival situation one of the best tools that can be had is a survival knife. This single tool will make the difference sometimes in life and death in some situations. In others it will make the difference between eating that day or going for another day hungry. So let’s see how exactly one can easily construct a handy survival knife.

There are a few materials needed to make a good survival knife when you don’t have anything at all to work with. The following list will give one the materials they will need to make a good survival knife from practically nothing:
1 flat smooth semi hard rock about 4 to 6 inches long; a small length of thin rope, shoestring or cord; solid stick or bone piece; a hard metal piece or hard rock like granite. With these materials in hand one can begin to make a survival knife.

The first step to making a good survival knife is to take the hard metal piece or granite rock and begin on one side of the flat smooth rock to strike it in a direction away from oneself. This should begin to create chips in the rock causing an edge to form. Once one has completed this on one side of the flat rock they should then flip the rock over. Now with the rock flipped over find the side of the rock that had the chips taken out of it earlier. This side needs to face away from the knife maker. Now one should begin on the opposite face of the rock to strike it with the hard metal piece or granite rock again in a direction away from oneself. This will create a solid single edge for cutting. This phase is the most important phase of the knife making process because this gives the edge one will use in the later steps.

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Now that one has an edge the next step is to use the edge of the knife blade that was just made to split a notch of about 1 to 1 ½ inches on the stick or bone piece. This makes the hilt for the knife blade to sit in so that one can then attach the knife to a handle. This hilt section needs to not be cut out too much though as one will want to snugly fit the back side of the blade section into the hilt later. Now that the hilt is made we can proceed further with the project.

The next step is to take the knife blade and fit it snugly into the hilt that was just cut. Now take the rope and begin to wrap it tightly around the stick or bone piece at the point where the blade entered the hilt of the knife. This will secure the blade to the knife handle. Make sure that the rope is wrapped tightly otherwise the knife will fall apart later when it is used. Now that the rope is tightly wrapped tie it off in a tight knot that secures the rope to the stick handle. With that the knife should be finished.

While it is a bit rough as a tool, this survival knife will come in handy in any survival situation. Whether using the knife to hunt with or using it to help create a shelter, a rudimentary knife is an essential tool to any survival situation. Best of luck in creating your survival knife and may it bring you the best in your adventures in the woods.

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US Army Field Manual 21-76 Survival Manual

US Coast Guard Survival School Training Manual