How to Live with a Selfish Husband or Wife

Some people are naturally kind and generous, and they’re willing to share, even if they don’t like a particular activity. Others are selfish in almost every aspect of their life, and they must have everything their way in no uncertain terms. This sounds like the behavior of a spoiled child, but unfortunately some adults don’t play well in the sandbox, and some aren’t even willing to share activities with their husband or wife – unless they choose the activities. Even worse, very selfish people who would otherwise choose a particular activity, won’t even go along with something they would enjoy, just because they didn’t make the initial decision. These are the most selfish people of all, and although it’s nearly impossible to get along with a husband or wife who must have it his or her way every time, it is possible to avoid divorce.

Television Problems

Marriage is about giving, and not just taking, and it’s important to share the television, even when a show isn’t particularly interesting. A husband or wife who completely takes over the television and isn’t willing to watch shows they haven’t chosen is really very self-centered. I have my favorite shows, and when someone is willing to watch something I choose, I’m willing to give their shows a chance – even if I don’t think I’ll like them.

If you’re only able to watch favorite television shows when your husband or wife isn’t home, he or she has a definite problem with sharing. If you can’t get through to your husband or wife on the importance of sharing, consider investing in a second television with a DVR. Unfortunately a husband or wife that won’t share a television won’t share a DVR either, and you might find your upcoming recordings cancelled. It’s worth every penny for a second television and DVR so your selfish husband or wife can have it all.

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Activity Choices

Even selfish spouses will agree to participating in activities – if it’s something they enjoy. Those who aren’t selfish are willing to try new things and occasionally do things they really aren’t interested in, just to please their husband or wife, but a truly selfish spouse won’t consider anything they don’t want to do.

If your husband or wife is selfish and stubborn and won’t do things that interest you, find a friend or relative who is willing to participate. You don’t have to do everything you enjoy alone, and selfishness doesn’t have to be a reason to end the marriage. Agree to disagree, and get out on our own. You don’t have to be with your husband or wife to have a good time.

Food Issues

Issues with food are a problem in some homes. A food-hoarding husband or wife is the type that constantly complains about not getting their fair share, and some take it even further. When family members save food for that person, they purposely leave it uneaten until it’s on the brink of spoilage. When someone else decides to eat it at the final hour, the selfish husband or wife notices it’s gone and complains once again that they didn’t get any. It’s a situation where if the food is saved it goes uneaten and spoils, and if it’s eaten the battle begins again.

If food fights are a problem in your home, don’t worry about wasting a little food. Leave adequate servings for the selfish spouse, and if it goes uneaten and spoils, the food-hoarder won’t have anything to complain about. Food will go to waste at first, but once the self-centered husband or wife realizes you’re not going to play that game, they’ll stop trying to create unnecessary arguments about not getting their fair share of food.

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Music Problems

Music issues fall under the same category as television problems. Don’t stop listening to the music you enjoy if your spouse isn’t willing to share. You won’t be able to listen to what you like when your spouse is present, but surely they’re not always around. Take advantage of the times they’re gone, and enjoy your favorite music. Don’t lose sight of who you are and what you enjoy because of a self-centered husband or wife. If they want to have it their way, they’ll also have to listen to their style of music when they’re all by themselves.

It’s My Way or No Way

Those with the attitude, it’s my way or no way at all, may find themselves alone one day. Sharing is a part of every day life, whether it’s with a spouse, friends, coworkers, or even others on the highway, and those who must have everything their way will have a hard road to hoe. They’ll find themselves failing in family relationships, in their career, and even in their marriage. They will eventually have it their way, but that’s because no one will want to be around them. Even still, it is possible to remain with a selfish spouse, but it won’t be easy, and you won’t have the complete loving relationship you deserve.